Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 27)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Twenty Seven

Eliza had to yell out over the roar of the motorcycle until Bray turned it off.

"Bray... you spent all day working on this and even took it the time to go for a test run. I've... never been on a motorcycle. At first I thought it would be fun, but now I'm having second thoughts. What if something happens? What's going to happen to Noah if something happens to me?"

Bray got off the motorcycle and went over to her and took her in his arms.

"You can't think like that... I promise Eliza... I'm not going to let anything happen to you... ever."

Bray paused for a moment and gave her a gentle kiss.

"You told me what you've been through. I won't make you do something that you don't want to do, but if you're going to give this, or even us a chance... you have to trust me Eliza."

Eliza was quiet for a moment. She didn't expect for him to bring that up, but she knew he was right. She smiled at him and gave him a quick kiss back.

"Ok... I'll take the ride."

Bray smiled at her and led her over to the motorcycle. He sat down on it and started it up. Eliza got on and sat down behind him. She was still a bit scared, but was willing to take the ride anyway. Bray had to talk over the motorcycle.

"We'll start off slow so you can get used to it! Hang onto me!"

Eliza held onto him tight as they started moving. He turned out of his driveway and slowly started down the road. He made a few turns, then stopped at a stop sign. He looked back to check up on her.

"Are you doing ok?"

"Yes... this is nice."

"So is it ok if we go a bit faster now?"

"Sure... I guess."

As they went faster, Eliza held onto him a little tighter. The longer they rode, the more comfortable she got. Her arms were now gently wrapped around him and she leaned her head on his shoulder. Bray could tell that she was more relaxed now and they came to a stop. Eliza didn't know where they were going, but she was really enjoying the ride now.

"Where are we going Bray?"

Bray smiled, but she didn't see it.

"It's a surprise. We're almost there. Maybe about ten more minutes from here."

Bray pulled up into a restaurant. It wasn't anything too fancy, but still nice. Eliza knew her hair was a mess after having a helmet on.

"Oh... I didn't know we were going to a restaurant... If I had known, I would have dressed a bit nicer. I can fix my hair as best as I can before we go in."

Bray only smiled at her.

"What you've got on is fine... I mean look at me... I'm in a biker jacket, jeans, and boots. You look fine... trust me."

Bray winked at her and she blushed a little as they made their way in. They talked and enjoyed each other's company before their food came. Neither of them had a drink because Bray would need to bring them back safely, and Eliza just didn't like to drink. Even after they ate, they stayed and talked for a while. Bray's face lit up when Eliza laughed. He thought she deserved a break from her worries for a while to have a good time. If it was up to him, her smile would never leave her face. Their fun was interrupted when Eliza's phone went off. She looked at it and noticed that it was after nine. She got a text from Becky.

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