Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 33)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Thirty Three

When Eliza was pregnant with Noah, she could never go to a doctor because she couldn't afford it. Now that she worked with WWE, she made better money so she could at least see a doctor when she needed to. She didn't like going to see a doctor, she was too afraid that something could be wrong with her. Now she didn't really have a choice, she had to find out for sure if she was pregnant or not. Eliza had never had an ultrasound done so she was afraid of what the doctor would be doing. The doctor told her to relax and that the procedure would be pain free. Eliza laid down on the bed and held Bray's hand. The doctor started putting ultrasound gel on her belly and started rubbing it around. The doctor was looking on the screen and listening for a pulse. There was no mistaking Eliza's pulse, she was really nervous, and he needed for her to calm down.

"Please Eliza... this isn't going to hurt, I know you're scared, but I need you to please try to relax.

Bray smiled and kissed her softly.

"I'm here Eliza... everything is going to be alright."

Eliza smiled at this and slowed down her breathing. She closed her eyes for a moment and tried to relax. The doctor moved the transducer around over the gel on her belly and could hear another pulse and a small dot popped up on the screen. Eliza looked at the screen again when the doctor started talking.

"Well... it doesn't look like much right now, but that little dot on your screen... that's your baby. You are indeed pregnant."

Eliza didn't know what to think, or how to respond, but Bray was esctatic and kissed her passionately. The doctor gave her a list of things she should and shouldn't do, and gave her a list of healthy foods that would be good for her while she was pregnant. He told her to get plenty of rest and to stay as stress free as possible. Bray and Eliza went back to the hotel, Eliza had been quiet the whole ride back, this was concerning to Bray.

"Are you ok? You haven't said a word on the way back here."

"I just... don't know what to think... I'm really pregnant..."

"Yeah... this is incredible... I'm going to be a dad for the first time."

'I'm excited too, but also kind of nervous."


"I just didn't expect it... with everything that's been going on... losing Noah... it's all just really stressful on me right now."

Bray held her in his arms, he could tell that she was still upset.

"I know... I miss him too... I loved Noah too. What we need to do... is remember the good times, he would want you to be happy... I want you to be happy. I love you Eliza... I worry about you, especially now with a baby on the way. You know my story now... I lost someone I loved before, I just can't bare the thought of losing you too."

Eliza smiled and kissed him now.

"I love you too Bray, and I'm sorry... I never should have tried taking my life... I just... felt like I had lost everything. Maybe one day I'll be able to move on from this, but it still hurts too much. For so long, Noah was my only reason to live."

"Well now you have another reason to live... you have me, and this baby that's growing inside of you."

It was quiet for a moment as they kissed, Bray talked to her again.

"You know Becky is your best friend... she's probably worried sick about you. You never did call her last night."

"I know... with everything that had happened... I just needed you last night... plus, we were a little busy last night."

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