Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 28)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Twenty Eight

Bray woke up early the next day. He smiled as he looked down to see that Eliza was still sleeping peacefully on his chest. There was a lot that he wanted to say to her. He wanted to tell her the truth about his past, and he wanted to tell her that he loved her. He was worried about scaring her away and that she would only think he loved her because she had sex with him. He shook those thought from his head and enjoyed the moment with her. He was slightly worried about waking her up, but he started talking quietly to her.

"We've come a long way... You were terrified of me when we first met. This was never the end goal... you're not just another girl to sleep with. You're special. You care and work so hard for Noah, and that's just one thing I love about you... There it is... I love you, and I've come to love Noah as well. If I tell you the truth about my past, will you still stay?"

Bray stopped talking and kissed her forehead. He wished that he could hold her forever. He smiled and said one more thing.

"One day... I'm going to marry you Eliza."

Bray stopped and thought about this. He would love nothing more than to marry Eliza and be able to call Noah his son, but his past was holding him back. The last time he wanted to start a family, things didn't end well for him. The pain was still there, but he was trying so hard to move on. He didn't know if Eliza had heard anything he said, but he wanted to get up. He gently kissed her lips now and she smiled as he said her name.


Eliza smiled and slowly opened her eyes. The memory of the night before was still in her mind. She moved slightly under the covers and realized that they were both still naked underneath. She blushed a little as she looked at him.

"So... last night really happened."

"Yeah... how do you feel about that?"

"I still can't believe we did that... or that I enjoyed doing that. I feel closer to you now."

Bray smiled slightly changing the subject.

"How did you sleep?"

"You know... at first I was a little uncomfortable being away from Noah, but honestly, it was the best sleep I've had in a long time. I fell asleep with you beside me... and you were still here when I woke up."

"I would love for this to happen more often... you falling asleep and waking up in my arms."

Eliza smiled, but didn't know what to say about it, so she kissed him. Bray would love to just hold her in his arms, but he knew they needed to get up.

"I would love to just lay here with you, but we need to get up, and get things packed so we can get to the show tonight."

Eliza agreed.

"Yeah... and I guess I better go check up on Noah."

Bray grabbed a change of clothes, and wrapped a towel around himself as he left the room and headed for the bathroom. Eliza would take a shower later. She didn't have any other clothes in the room with them since she slept in Bray's room so she just slipped on what she had on the day before. She would change as soon as she got the chance to. She quietly left Bray's room and went to hers and Noah's room. She opened the door only to find the room empty. She walked into the kitchen and saw Noah eating breakfast. Noah smiled when he saw her.

"Morning Momma... Noah eat cereal."

Becky turned and gave her a smirk.

"So... I bet you and Bray slept good after the long night you had."

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