Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 22)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Twenty Two

Eliza had been working, but she hadn't got much done that night, there were a few holes in several people's ring gear that needed to be fixed, but her mind was still thinking about things that were going on. She would usually try to watch Bray's match, but he could be part of the problem. Once his match was over he came back to see her and noticed that she wasn't quite herself. He made his presence known.


Eliza looked over at him realizing that he was there now.

"Hi Bray."

She put a smile on her face, but Bray could see right through her.

"Something is wrong..."

"No... not really... I was just thinking."

"It must be something serious because you didn't look too happy."

Eliza sighed, she knew there was no use in hiding it, he would find out sooner or later.

"A lot is going on right now Bray..."

"I was only gone for about twenty minutes."

"It was before your match... it's been since we got here. People saw us together and took pictures of us."

Bray was somewhat concerned at her comment.

"You're worried about that? People seeing us together?... Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?"

Eliza could tell that Bray was somewhat hurt by this and she had to make things clear to him.

"No... Bray it's not that at all. News just travels fast. Becky came up to me and showed me a few things that were said on Twitter."

Eliza showed him some of the tweets. Most of them saying that Eliza was too pretty for him, along with some inappropriate comments.

Bray did think about one thing.

"Well... maybe a few people are right about one thing... you definitely are too pretty for me. What you see in me I don't know..."

Eliza only blushed at this, but she was still worried about what people were saying.

"See... what's really got me concerned is people know what Noah and I look like now... maybe I worry too much, but I'm worried that someone will come after me and Noah."

"That's not going to happen... not while I'm around. Let people say what they want... they don't know you, their opinions shouldn't matter."

Bray had more that he wanted to say, but he kept this thought in his head.

"My main concern is that you feel safe... and loved."

Bray was surprised he had that thought run through his head. He knew he felt something for her, but he had just come to the realization that he loved her, but of course he couldn't tell her that yet. They hadn't been together as a couple for even a week, but he had known her for a few months now and he felt that their chemistry was undeniable. He wouldn't want to scare her away by telling her that he loved her too soon. He still wasn't really sure that she wanted to be with him. Eliza felt somewhat comforted by his words, but that wasn't the only thing on her mind.

"Bray... I didn't really want to bring this up because I didn't want any trouble started, but I think you should know... Dean came up to me a little while ago."

Bray's mood seemed to change. To Eliza, it seemed more like jealousy, but really, Bray was concerned.

"What happened?... What did he do?"

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