Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 16)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Sixteen

Eliza walked in Dean's home holding Noah's hand. Dean's home wasn't anywhere near as fancy as the hotels they stayed at. Dean's home wasn't really fancy, but it was clean which Eliza found surprising. It was definitely a step up from the trailer park she had lived in. Dean wasn't home a lot due to traveling all the time so each time he came home, he had to buy food. Dean came in with their bags.

"Take a look around, grab you something to eat, have a seat somewhere. Make yourself comfortable... pretend this is your home. Do everything here that you would do at your place. It's no fancy hotel, but I hope you like it here."

Eliza sat down on the couch with Noah. She grabbed out a few toys for Noah to play with.

"It's already better than my place I can tell you that... I live in a trailer park."

Dean sat down beside her and noticed she seemed down. He tilted her chin up so that she looked at him.

"Hey... you seem to be forgetting who you're talking to. I had it rough growing up too. But finally I'm living my dream and I have my own place. Nothing too fancy because that's not me. If I wanted to, I could be like John Cena... I could buy all the fancy cars, suits, a big mansion and all of that stuff, but that's not me. I'm not John Cena... I'm Dean Ambrose... I don't need all the fancy stuff in life to be happy. I remember my past and I'm damn sure not going back to that life... My past doesn't matter, and neither does yours. It doesn't matter to me that you live in a trailer park, I don't think less of you for it, but it doesn't have to be this way... you could stay you know..."

This was a side to Dean that Eliza wasn't used to. They hadn't known each other very long and Dean was already offering her a place to stay. She thought it was very sweet, but she wasn't sure if it was a good idea. She thought they were moving too fast. There was just something inside of her telling her not to.

"I don't know Dean... this is something that I need to think about."

"What is there to think about? You would be safe here, and you already said that it's better than your place."

"Yes but I've never really lived with someone before... not willingly anyway."

"Well... the choice is up to you, but it sounds to me that you don't trust me. What is it going to take for you to let your guard down and trust me?"

Eliza sighed. She had never been with anyone. After being raped, she wasn't sure if she would let her guard down for anyone, but Dean was getting pretty close.

"It's not easy to trust people... not after what I've been through. I mean... you remember what I was like when we met. I wouldn't talk to a guy or even want to be around a guy."

"Look how far you've come... how far we've come together in just a month. Imagine how much farther we could go if you decide to stay."

Dean slowly leaned in and kissed her. She then realized that Dean wasn't just talking about staying at his home but staying together with him. This kiss suddenly heated up. Dean's hands started with one gently on her face and the other in her hair. Then his hand made its way from her face to her shoulder, he still hand his other hand in her hair. She ran her hand through his hair as the kiss intensified. His tongue parting her lips to tangle with hers. He could taste the orange soda that she had been drinking earlier. His hand was now slowly making its way down her back. She hadn't realized it, but he was slowly starting to lean her back on the couch. Eliza at some point realized that Noah was still in the room. She broke the kiss and they were both breathless.

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