Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 7)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Seven

Eliza arrived at the next arena for Smackdown. So far, Becky was the only one out of her friends that were there. Eliza held Noah's hand and carried their stuff on her shoulder. She knew there was no use in setting up Noah's play pen because he could easily get out of it. She made sure Noah understood to stay by her sewing table. Instead of setting up his play pen, she had a play mat with road designs on it. He had his cars scattered all around the floor and was having fun lining them up. Every now and then he would stop to eat some fruit snacks and drink some juice. Eliza was still stressed because she still had work to do, and if she didn't get all she needed done, she wouldn't get paid as much. She could use as much money as she could get. She stopped for Noah to get him some chicken and mashed potatoes. She had to break the chicken up into small pieces and watch him carefully. Eliza was starving, she hadn't ate since that morning. Luckily the hotel they were at had free breakfast, otherwise she wasn't sure if she would have had a chance to eat at all. She knew she couldn't go to the catering area because it was for the Superstars and main business people in WWE. She had gone once and someone told her that it for the people higher up. They told her that if they caught her sneaking food again that she could be reported and lose her job, so Eliza never went to the catering area. Finally Becky came up to her.

"Hey girl, what's going on? You said that you really need to talk."

"I need to talk to someone. I can't keep this in anymore."

Becky saw that Eliza was really upset and hugged her.

"Easy... calm down. It's ok... Talk to me girl, what's wrong?"

"I don't know if I can tell anyone else. I don't want the whole world knowing... promise you won't tell anyone."

"I won't tell anyone, I promise. What's going on?"

"Well... I guess I'm upset because something almost happened last night that brings back bad memories. I never even learned his name, but last night, I ran into the guy that raped me."

Becky was shocked by what she was hearing, and as Eliza started crying, Becky brought her in for a hug. She made sure no one else was around.

"Oh my God... Eliza, you've been raped? Why did you never tell me, or anyone?"

"Because I was always afraid that he would come back and finish what he started. He promised not to kill me at the time because I begged him not to and told him I could be of use to him. I was always afraid to tell anyone because he had a way of watching over me and I was afraid he would come back and kill me, and I was afraid no one would believe me... The only reason why I have Noah... is because he repeatedly raped me until he impregnated me. I couldn't bare the thought of having an abortion, even though I was raped. It wasn't how I imagined having a baby, but I love Noah more than anything and can't imagine my life without him. I ran into him last night leaving the arena and the same thing could have happened again. He was going to do the same thing, only he could have killed me this time, and he was going to take Noah. I guess it was mother's instincts because I found a bit of courage to stand up to him. He had never been there for Noah... he could have taken Noah and killed him."

"Oh my God!... You're here now, how did you get away?"

"Dean showed up... the guy had me pinned down to my car and was going to have his way with me, but Dean showed up and ran him off. Other than you, Dean I think is the only person that knows I've been raped. Bray may know too. I talked to him, but I didn't tell him the details of what happened, he just knows I've been hurt by a man. I told Dean that I can't go back home, because the guy knows where I live. Dean said I could stay with him. He said it would be just a friend helping out another friend. I just wasn't really comfortable with the idea. I stayed in his hotel room last night, but what I didn't know was that his room only had one bed. I wasn't really comfortable sleeping in the same room as him. He seemed pissed off at me, but then he remembered what I told him and seemed a bit more understanding when I told him. I'm super thankful to him for saving mine and Noah's lives, but I just didn't feel comfortable staying with him. I like him... I'd like to see him again, but I don't think it's a good idea to stay with him just yet. You stay in a hotel on your own right?"

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