Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 5)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Five

Eliza couldn't believe what just happened, she had Noah in his car seat and they were about to leave for the night when she ran into the guy that had raped her. She never even learned his name, but he knew her and planned on finishing what he started and then taking Noah. It was so bad, it got to the point where he ripped off her shirt and had her pinned to her car. She heard Noah crying inside the car and struggled for her life, but felt helpless. The guy had her pinned down on the hood of her car and held a knife to her throat. Eliza closed her eyes as she was sure that he was going to have his way with her again and that the end was near. She felt his weight pulled off of her and heard a lot of yelling and what sounded like fighting. She opened her eyes and saw Dean fighting the guy. Dean had only punched the guy two or three times, and the guy already had a bloody nose and busted up lip. Dean planned on choking the guy out, but the guy somehow got out of Dean's grip and ran off as fast as he could. Eliza slid down the hood of her car and was now sitting on the ground feeling scared, embarrassed and exposed. She still heard Noah inside the car crying, but she needed a moment to cry herself. She pulled her knees up to her chest trying to feel less exposed as she cried. This time, the guy had only managed to rip her shirt off, but the memories were still there from all the other times he had his way with her. Dean was pissed off, but knew he had to calm down as he heard Eliza crying, and Noah crying in the car. He had to calm down for a moment, then he slowly came up to her, crouched down to her level and unzipped his jacket handing it to her.

"Here... I think you need it more than I do."

Eliza was hesitant, but slowly took it from him, put it on, and zipped it up feeling less exposed now. She looked back at Noah and noticed that he had calmed down a little now that he noticed that she was ok. Dean noticed that she was mainly concerned about Noah.

"He's ok."

Eliza was in shock, she had almost been raped again and this time she was sure that the guy planned on killing her. What would have happened to Noah? She didn't know what to say or do at the moment so Dean started talking again.

"Easy... take it easy. He's gone now, he not going to hurt you, or Noah."

Eliza was an emotional mess. How would she tell Dean that he had already hurt her? She wasn't really think about much of anything and pulled Dean close. She held onto him like her life depended on it. Dean was surprised at this, but knew she was upset and he wrapped his arms around her as she cried. This was something he wasn't used to. He wasn't used to comforting people. Dean seemed to understand now why Eliza wouldn't hardly trust anyone.

"You're ok now, Noah is ok. Nothing is going to happen to you."

Eliza struggled to stop crying. She tried wiping the tears out of her eyes, but they kept falling. It was time someone learned the truth. She held in a breath for a minute, she knew there was no turning back once she told him. She let out the breath, let go of Dean and finally looked at him as she spoke.

"It's already happened Dean... he's already hurt me."

"So he's the reason... he's the reason why you are the way you are."

Eliza nodded as the tears kept running down her face.

"It first happened two years ago... he would rape me over and over again. The first time it happened, he planned on killing me, but I begged him not to and told him that maybe I could be of use to him. He didn't kill me... but he would beat me... and call me a worthless slut every time he raped me. He would show up anytime he felt like it, he had a way of knowing when I was home. Now that I think about it, I wish he would have killed me the first time, that way I wouldn't have to live with the memory, and be raped over and over again... he should have just killed me. It's not like my life was any better before it happened. My life was shit, and it always will be!"

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