Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 29)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Twenty Nine

Eliza was shocked by what she found out. She didn't expect for it to be true, but Bray didn't deny it. Her and Noah had started staying with him, and she had even slept with him and she finds out that Bray had killed a man. Bray had said that he would never do anything to hurt her or Noah, but a part of her couldn't help but worry a little. She was more upset that he would keep something like this a secret from her. She had picked up Noah and walked away from him with Dean. Maybe she should have stayed and listened to what he had to say, he said that there was more to what happened, but she was too freaked out at the moment. At the same time, she felt bad for walking away, Bray was on his knees crying and begging for her. The only other time she had seen him so vulnerable was when he was in his garage crying and he had told her that he lost someone that he cared about. She started to wonder now if the two things were connected. She still needed time away from him to think. Dean seemed happy now that she was away from Bray. Noah didn't know what was going on, but Eliza put him down and he started to play with his cars. Dean started talking to her.

"See... I kept trying to tell you that he was dangerous. You wouldn't believe me, so you had to hear it from Bray himself. I'm just surprised that he didn't deny it."

"I don't know... maybe I should have stayed and listened to what he had to say."

"What else was there to say? He killed a man, simple as that."

"How did you even find out anyway?"

"I was just walking along one day and I hear him talking to Luke Harper and what he was saying caught my attention. He said that he slit a man's throat open and stabbed him in the chest."

Eliza thought a little bit about it.

"Yeah... but what all did you hear? Did he just kill the guy for no reason? Was he arrested?"

"I don't know, I left after what I heard. All I know is that he killed a guy and that you and Noah shouldn't be around him for your own safety. Things may have not really went well between us, but I'm willing to work things out if you are."

Dean moved a bit closer to her now. She didn't think much about it since she had gotten close to him.

"I said things that I shouldn't have said... and I'm sorry. I still have feelings for you and I think maybe you could still have feelings for me."

Eliza looked away from him. Her emotions were all over the place at the moment. She wasn't sure what to feel.

"I don't know Dean..."

"Come on... every girl wants to know that they're safe and cared for. With me, that will always be the case. Don't you remember Eliza? The way you would melt into my arms when I kissed you... that feeling never really goes away..."

Dean was closer to her now than she realized and he pulled her to him and kissed her. Eliza realized what was going on now and she pushed him away.

"Dean, stop! I need time to think... just because I walked away from Bray, that doesn't mean that this is ok or that I want you back."

Dean was pissed off now.

"Come on Eliza! Surely you're not going back to Bray... I want you back, what is it going to take for you to take me back?!"

"It's not going to happen Dean! I don't want you back! You were technically my first boyfriend. There was a time when I cared for you, but I moved on, and you should do the same... It's over Dean!"

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