Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 8)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Eight

Bray went to check on Noah, he was sure Eliza would want to know how he was doing. Noah was doing fine at the time, and was having fun with Becky. Once Bray brought Eliza food, she thanked him, he told her that it was the right thing to do, and there were people that care, she just had to know where to look. She was sure he had other things to do, yet he stayed by her side, watching her. She felt bad about eating in front of him.

"Bray... you brought me something, but maybe you should go eat."

Bray only smiled at her.

"Don't you worry about me. I'll eat later, right now, you just worry about yourself. I checked up on Noah a little while ago, he seemed to be doing just fine with Becky."

Eliza smiled at him.

"Thank you again Bray. Thanks for putting up with my stubbornness."

Bray only laughed a bit as he remembered she struggled a little bit getting to the trainer's room, but he brought her there for her own good.

"Somebody's got to."

Eliza kept thinking about what Bray said. He said there are people that care, you just have to know where to look. She had looked right into his eyes when he said that, at the time, he was really close to her and she had already hugged him. He didn't say it, but when she looked into his eyes, it was like he was saying, I'm here, everything is going to be ok. Eliza also thought back to Dean, how he ran off the guy that was going to rape her again. She didn't think about it at the time, but she hugged him too. Dean was angry at the time, she didn't need to look into his eyes to see that, but he dropped that anger the second she hugged him. She was scared for hers and Noah's lives at the time. Just being in Dean's arms at that time gave her that comforting feeling, she was safe with him. She felt bad about freaking out on him when she woke up in his arms, nothing had happened. Eliza didn't know if it was love, but she felt something for Dean and Bray, she wanted them around. It couldn't have been love, but Dean and Bray both showed that they cared for her. It was hard being a single mom, after what happened to her, she wasn't sure if she would ever find love.

Eliza was doing her best for Noah, she wanted to put him first, but it was like Bray told her, sometimes she needs to put herself first. How could she take care of someone else if she couldn't take care of herself. She needed to be strong and healthy for Noah's sake. Both, Dean and Bray seemed to like Noah, and Noah showed signs of liking them, but she didn't want Noah getting too attached to either of them. She wouldn't want Noah to call them Daddy, and then have Dean or Bray feel weird about it. It was the same situation with Noah, as it was for her, they show signs of caring, but it wasn't love. It couldn't have been. Eliza could only hope that she would one day trust someone enough with her heart, mind, body, and soul. She could only hope that one day Noah would have a fatherly figure to learn from and look up to. She had heard about two different situations, one being that a man would love a woman, but not the child, if that child wasn't his. Then there were some men that loved a woman and the child. Even if the child wasn't his, he would love the child as if it was his own. Eliza had been thinking and day dreaming, and she almost forgot that Bray was there.

"Are you done? I can take your tray for you."

Eliza ate most of her food and was satisfied.

"Oh... yeah I'm done. Sorry, I was in my own little world there for a while. Lost in my thoughts."

Bray only smiled at her as he took her tray.

"What were you thinking about?"

Eliza just blushed and shrugged it off.

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