Between Enemy Lines (Chapter 4)

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Between Enemy Lines

Chapter Four

Eliza went back to check up on Noah, he was sleeping peacefully. Her friends didn't mind watching over him. What Eliza didn't know was Dean saw her and Bray talking. Dean met her first. He felt like they had a connection. Dean's father wasn't there for him, Eliza's father wasn't there for her, and from what he learned from her, Noah didn't really have a father either. He didn't know what Eliza and Bray were talking about, but he wasn't happy seeing them together. He wasn't mad at Eliza, but he didn't trust Bray. Her friends went to go warm up for their matches, and Eliza went back to work. She was always busy with work and didn't really know what was going on as far as matches and storylines go. Bray was going to get ready for his match when Dean ran out and attacked him. Bray and Dean started fighting until referees and other WWE Superstars had to break them up. Dean got in the last hit and hit Bray in the eye then shouted at him.

"Stay away from her Wyatt!"

Becky Lynch saw what happened and knew Eliza had talked to Bray and Dean and rushed off to tell her what happened.

"Eliza, did you see what just happened?"

"No... I don't ever see what happens. I'm always busy sewing together outfits."

"You're gonna want to know what just happened!"

"What happened?"

"Dean and Bray were fighting in the hallway. Dean got in the last hit and said, stay away from her! That's gotta be you Eliza!"

"Are you kidding me? They were fighting?"

"Yes! I saw it with my own eyes. Dean started the fight. I don't know if Bray knew why Dean came after him at first, but I think he knows now. Dean said, stay away from her. He got the last hit in and hit Bray in the eye. As weird as it may seem, I kind of feel sorry for Bray, Dean needs to control his temper. You need to go talk to him, maybe you can calm him down."

"I don't know if that's a good idea Becky."

"I think Dean has a thing for you and he got a little jealous when he saw you talking to Bray."

"Well... when I first met Bray, Dean came up and stepped between us like he was trying to keep Bray away from me."

"You should go talk to Dean."

Eliza thought about it for a while, she wouldn't want to talk to him if he was still in a bad mood.

"I could go talk to him, but I think I should wait until he calms down... as you know, I'm not really comfortable around men."

"You go talk to him, if he gives you any problems, I'll take care of him. I used to fight men all the time, men twice Dean's size. I'll watch over Noah for you. I already had my match for the night."

Eliza trusted Becky, she was one of the first friends she made in WWE. Eliza decided to go walking down the hallway to look for Dean. The hallways were empty, she didn't really see anyone. She had come to the dark parts of the arena when she heard his voice.


Eliza turned around and saw him.

"Hey... I was looking for you. Becky said she saw you and Bray fighting."

"Yeah... I saw that creep Bray Wyatt with you earlier and thought he was causing you trouble."

"He wasn't, he just started talking to me. Becky said you told him to stay away from me."

"I did... Bray Wyatt is bad news. He's no good."

"That's what he said about you too. I'm not convinced either way. But what I want to know is how both of you seemed to know I'd been hurt by a man."

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