Another Day

618 16 5

I wake up to pounding at the door. I roll out of bed to see Brie is gone. I groan and make my way to the door. When I open it a very frantic Seth Rollins and dean Ambrose enter the hotel room.
"What the hell are you guys doing here it's 1 a.m." I tell them
"Well we were at a club and things got out of hand"  Brie walks out of the bathroom looking confused. I motion for her to come over here so I don't have to explain to her why they are here.
"What do you mean got out of hand" I tell them
" well Seth and I were just drinking and well these girls come over and tell us if we want to dance"
"Ok I don't see a problem there"
"Well they start grinding in us and well let's just say their boyfriends come at us with like weapons and stuff"
"Dean and I start running away but as you can tell by our faces we got hurt bad"
"Yea I can see that" says Brie.
"I'll go get the first aid kit I'll be right back". I tell them. I walk into the bathroom to find it under the sink. I make my way over to where they were before and start cleaning them up. Brie cleans dean while I clean Seth. Once we are done I look out through the peep hole to see if the guys are still there because Seth also said that they were following them. Sure enough they were still there.
"Well they are still there waiting for you guys to leave"
"What the hell are we going to do"
"You can stay here if you want" says Brie
I roll my eyes mentally, but don't want to say anything because they are hurt.
"We'll sleep on the couch"
"No you don't have to you can sleep with us in our room" my sister Brie tells them.  I give her the "are you kidding me" look. She ignores my look and tells them they can sleep in our beds. The worst part about all of this is that Seth is staying with me.
"Fine I guess you can sleep on my bed" we make our way to the bedroom and go back to sleep, finally.

---Skip To The Morning---

I wake up to a very odd position like:

I try my best to get out of this position but at the same time I want to stay like this

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I try my best to get out of this position but at the same time I want to stay like this. I finally make it out of my little problem and see Brie and dean in a cute comfy position:

 I finally make it out of my little problem and see Brie and dean in a cute comfy position:

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I go into the bathroom and take a shower. Once I'm done I do my makeup.

 Once I'm done I do my makeup

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