Are They True

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Nikki's pov
  I look into the mirror and I realize I look like shit. I quickly fix my makeup because I have a match against Charlotte and Carmella. I get my Snapback and walk out to the gorilla. On my way there I see Paige trying to get with Seth again. Yes, you read correctly again. For the whole time she has been here all I have see her do is be in matches and try to get in Seth's pants. Pathetic, I think to myself. I stand there watching them flirt, by them I mean Paige and Eva. I see Seth looking around for an escape and he sure does. I mentally pray that he doesn't see me. I guess I didn't pray hard enough, because he comes over with his little whores following him. I watch intently as he makes his way over to me. Help Me, he mouths towards me. 'hey ladies" I tell them. I look over at Seth and he gives me pleading eyes. "Why not take Sethie to your locker room, don't worry I'll cover for you."

"you little bitch" Seth tells me.

"Tell me something I don't know" I watch him get dragged away by his toys. I chuckle to myself as I see him yell help to any person he can see.  I finally make my way to the gorilla and just on time. Once I get there I hear Charlotte's theme song blare through the arena.

"where the hell were you Nicole, we could have missed our call time."

"Calm down Brie I'm here, look Carmella is just finishing her entrance we are fine" I reassure her.

"NIKKI BELLA WHERE ARE YOU I HAVE TO SPEAK TO YOU NOW AND DO NOT GO RUN AWAY" Oh shit Seth survived the rape the girls were giving him. 

"Nicole why the hell is Seth yelling for you"

" no reason, just ignore him"

"THERE YOU ARE" Oh fuck he found us.

"play our music, NOW"

"GET BACK HERE" I smirk at him as we make our way out there.


---------------------------SKIP TO THE END OF THE MATCH---------------------------------------

    I was about to hit the rack attack to Carmella when a very familiar theme song hits. Out walks Seth Rollins with a very smug look on his face. "what the hell are you doing here" He stays silent as I keep yelling a few choiced words at him.

"Nikki watch out" I turn around and there it was a cheap shot from Charlotte. She ends the match with natural selection. I lay there on the mat with disbelief. "Nikki are you okay"

"I'm fine, but I can't say the same thing about Seth"

"Nikki please don't do something you will regret" We make our way to the back and I instantly make my way towards Seth.

"what the hell was that"

"what was what Princess"

"the little stunt you pulled out there"

"oh that"

"yea oh that"

"well I think I deserve a little payback for what you did to me"

"oh that"

"yea the thing where you wanted me to get raped"

"you have to admit that was pretty funny"
"Sure it was princess"
"What did I tell you about calling me that"
"To say it over and over and over again"
"Back to what I was here for, why the hell would you interrupt my match like that"
"As I said before, you almost made me get raped"
"But do I interfere in your matches, I think not"
"Just a little payback"
"I'm letting you out easy this time, Rollins"
"Ooh im so scared"
"Just stay the fuck out of my way and you'll be fine" I walk away with my hips swaying back and forth to let him know who's the boss. I walk towards my locker room so I can get ready to leave to the hotel. I walk in and I pick out my clothes and take them to the bathroom. I take a quick shower and put on

Where do we Stand~S.R. And N.B. FanficHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin