Say It To My Face

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Seth and I make our way to Steph's office to see what we have to do today for the storyline. Seth and I were walking there when we heard about five voices speaking. Me being the nosey person I am decided it would be best if I you know just saw who was talking. I walk closer to the wall and listen closely.
"Nicole what the fu-" I put my hand over his mouth to shut him up. I motion for him to kneel beside me.

"Wait I'm confused" Eva.

"Yea, pumpkins" Paige.

"Look we all know you two have the hots for Seth" Melanie.

"So we wanted to help you guys have him" Kira. I look over at Seth to see him shaking his head no.

"Melanie is our friend and she doesn't want Nicole to have such a hot guy" Amber.

"Okay so what's the plan" Paige says.

"We have to find a way for Seth to break up with Nikki" Kira says.

"Then after they break up, you two will be there to comfort him over his loss" Amber.

"Okay so what about Nicole" Eva says

"I'll deal with her" Melanie.

"What's your deal with her anyway" Paige asks.

"The only thing you need to know is that, I don't like her okay" Melanie says.

"The feeling is mutual bitch" i whisper to Seth. He laughs quietly.

"Somebody is here" Kira says. I glare at Seth for exposing us. I grab Seth's hand and we make our way to the end of the hall fast.

"What are we going to do" Seth asks. I hear the sound of their heels against the hard floor.

"Kiss me" I tell him.

"Wait wh-" he says. I grab his face and pull him into a kiss. He doesn't kiss back but after a few seconds he starts kissing back. We start having a little heated make out session in the end of the hall.

"Well well well, what do we have here" Melanie. Seth and I stop kissing and look back to see all five of them there. I study each and everyone of their faces. Melanie is well smirking. Kira is just staring with no emotion. Amber has a look I can't describe on her face. Eva looks disgusted. Paige looks uncomfortable or sad.

"Can't a guy have some privacy" Seth tells them.

"Well you two are making out in the hallway" Amber says.

"Nikki I thought you weren't dating him" Eva says.

"It's called lying" I tell them.

"Why would you lie to us, I thought we were friends" Paige tell me.

"When I figured out you liked Seth and I did too, I stopped being your friend but just pretended" I don't mean any of that. Well some of it I guess.

"See I told you girls" Melanie states.

"Look stay away from Sethiebear Nicole" Amber tells me. I look over at Seth and see he's just glaring at them. I nudge his side to say something.

"Only Nikki can call me Sethiebear, or Sethie" he states. I nod staring back at them.

"Well babe we have to go, I don't really like to hangout by the garbage" he grabs my hand and takes me to Steph and Hunter's office.

"Seth, Nicole, nice of you two to join us"

"Yeah yeah, so what's on the agenda today"

"Right, you two will be in a match against, Dean Ambrose and Brie Bella"

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