You lying little bitch

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(A/N: I'm going to be using the cast of secret life of an American teenager, as an example for this story, I will be using different names, if you don't know what SLOAAT is then it's a TV series, I seriously recommend it it's in Netflix, anyways enough if my rambling onto the story)

Brie and I make our way to the gym and what not. I always start in legs and then I warm up in the ring and practice moves with Brie.

"Nicole are you okay"

"I don't know"

"It's okay I mean, she is the girl that sabotaged you, I guess"

"Brie something is up with her"

"What do you mean"

"I still have a picture of her when we were younger and she looks skinnier"

"Wait let me see". I show her the picture and she studies it carefully.

 I show her the picture and she studies it carefully

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"She does look skinnier"

"Hold on let me check her social media, I think i have her on Instagram" I tell Brie

"Wait let's go to sit down and stalk her" I follow Brie to a small bench in the back of the gym and start looking for her.
"Alright let's see if I still remember her username" I type in @glitterfabprincess and see she showed up.
"Well it looks like she hasn't been active since 7 years ago"

I scroll through her pictures when one catches my eye.
"Brie look"


"What the fuck"

"I can't believe it"

"Do you think Seth knows"

"Well I don't know, but I don't think so"

I look at the picture in shock.

"Wait that picture was in 2008,  so that baby is 9 years old"

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"Wait that picture was in 2008, so that baby is 9 years old"

"Wait does she have any pictures with the baby?" Brie asks

"Yea she has one where she was in the hospital and one with the little kid and the baby daddy"

"Let me see"

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