One Month Later...

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I'm so excited because today finally Brie is coming back. I can finally be without the stupid neck brace unless when I eat. I still can't go up the stairs so my mom brought some of my clothes and I sleep in the downstairs guest room. I obviously FaceTime Seth everyday and Brie too.

---3 hours later---

"Nikki" I hear someone yell. I was currently on the couch watching Modern Family.

"Who is it" I yell.

"Me bitch" I roll my eyes and turn around.

"Brie" I say smiling. I get up and hug her.

"Why don't you have your brace"

"I don't have to have it on unless I have to eat" she nods and looks around. I sprawl back in the couch and go on my phone.

"So how was work" I ask her scrolling through Instagram.

"Good I guess right now everybody was flying to Dublin" she says.

"Aw Becky is from there" I say liking Alexa's photo.

"Yeah, you should have seen her at the airport" she says sitting next to me.

"How was she" I say looking up at her.

"Her and Finn were honestly goals, they were smiling so big and kept telling everybody how good Ireland is"

"Aw I ship them" I say.

"Who doesn't" I laugh and go back to scrolling.

"Are you hungry" I ask Brie.

"Nope, I'm a bit jet lagged, I think I'm going to go take a nap"

"Alright see ya later gator" I smile.

"Such a dork" she says smirking. I slap her and lay down on the couch and watch Modern Family.

~~~4 hours later~~~

"Is he okay" Brie says rushing down the stairs.

"What's wrong" I ask.  She ignores me and goes to turn on the tv I just turned off.

"What channel" she asks somebody on the phone. She goes to the news station.

"Babe is he on his way to the hospital" Brie asks worried.

"Who's going to the hospital" I ask. She points to the tv and the picture on the tv catches my eye.

"Seth Rollins gets injured during a live event in Dublin, Ireland" I grab my phone and FaceTime Seth

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"Seth Rollins gets injured during a live event in Dublin, Ireland" I grab my phone and FaceTime Seth. He doesn't answer  and tears flood my eyes.

"Brie is Dean with Seth" I ask her crying.

"Uh... No he's in emergency surgery" I need to be there for him, he was there for me.

"I need to be there" I say.

"Nikki you can't fly" Brie says worried. I grab my phone and call my surgeon.

"What are you doing" she asks.

"I'm going to ask my doctor If I can be there for him"

"Nicole Dean said he's there for him no need to go there"

"Hi Dr. Jones"

"What's wrong Nicole" he asks.

"Nothing I have a question"

"Okay go ahead"

"Well I was wondering if I can go on an airplane and fly to Dublin, Ireland" I ask hoping he would say yes. I shut my eyes as I await his answer.

"Nicole I don't know" he says.

"Please there has to be a way"

"Why do you want to go anyway?" He asks

"My boyfriend is also a wrestler and he got injured I need to be there for him"

"You can go as long as somebody goes with you" I smile brightly as he says those words.

"Thank you so much" I hang up and try to go up the stairs.

"Nicole what are you doing" Brie asks.

"Book a flight for Dublin" I say struggling to go up the stairs.

"What why"

"We are going, I have to be there for Seth"

"You can't go on a plane"

"My doctor says otherwise" I say finally getting on my last step.

Brie follows me to my room as I pack some clothes I have in my room and of course panties and bra. I finish packing and book the flight for tonight at midnight.

"Nikki we can't go" Brie says pleading to me.

"I don't care an uber is on his way, now get ready" she sighs and grabs her suitcase which she left by the stairs.

The uber finally arrives and we get into the airport. Before we get on I get a wheel chair for myself because walking with crutches sucks. We wait at our terminal for at least ten minutes until we get called to board. I smile brightly as I sit down in our seats.

Dublin here I come, but most importantly Seth, Seth here I come.

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