Not again

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I wake up to a bright white room. I look around and all I see Brie and Seth sleeping on the couch. I hit the button for the nurse and look around for my phone. I find it next to me. I open up twitter, I see all these #prayforNikki. I stare at my phone in confusion. Just as I was about to look into it further, a nurse comes in my room.
"Stephanie I see you are awake" a nurse tells me.

"I'd rather be called Nikki or Nicole"

"Alright miss Nicole, let's see do you remember why you are here" I shake my head no.

"Well let me take you to the x-ray room and show you why" I nod my head in approval.

We make it into the room and they sit me into this table. Well first we are taking an MRI, to see how you are doing. My neck, what the hell happened, I think to myself.

"Alright Nicole just lay flat on your back and don't move okay, we want this scan to be really accurate"

"Alright" I tell him.

I lay on the table for about 5 minutes, when the machine makes a really loud obnoxious noise.
(A/N: I haven't had an MRI, and I don't know how they work so bear with me here)

"That means it's done"

"Great, so how long until I get back my test results"

"Well I'll take you back to your room and maybe wait an hour or two" I nod my head.

"Wait before you take me back to my room, why am I at the hospital anyway" I ask him.

"Wait you don't remember why you are here" I shake my head.

"Well you got sent here immediately, you could barley breathe on your own, you were slipping in and out of conciseness"

"Oh so how long have I been in the hospital" I say while trying to look down at my neck. Did I mention I had a neck brace on?

"Two days"

"I have been knocked out cold for two days"


"Why exactly am I here though like, what happened"

"Well Nicole, when you got here you were badly injured and like I said barley breath"


"You came here from WWE and you took multiple chair shots to the neck, which is why you could barley breathe"

"Chair shots, to my neck, wouldn't I be like you know...dead?"

"Well if she took more chair shots than she did, you would have been dead"

"A she"?

"Yes another fellow wrestler injured you"

"Who was it"

"I don't know her name, sorry"

"It's okay"

"Well let me wheel you back to your room and you can wait for the results"

"Alrighty then"

I make it to my room to see Brie waking up.

"Nikki" she says...loud.

"What happened" Seth said.

"She's awake, dumbass" Brie says.

I get on the hospital bed and watch them talk at the same time.

"So basically I stayed here everyday" Brie says

"Wow, thanks I guess" I tell her.

"How you feeling" Seth tells me.

Where do we Stand~S.R. And N.B. FanficWhere stories live. Discover now