Three New Divas

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I was awoken to a huge ruckus, from the front seat. I look up and see that Brie and Dean are making out again.

"what the hell is wrong with you guys" The both blush once I say that.

"yea but look at your position right now" Brie tells me. I look down to realize that Seth and I are In the same position as we were before in the hotel room.

"yea but we are not kissing" I say while trying to get out of Seth's grip. He groans when I get out of the position.

"yea yea" Dean tell me .

"what's up with you guys anyway"

"what do you mean"

"you guys keep kissing, as if you guys are together". Once I said that both of them immediately turn away. " Wait are you guys dating" Please say yes.

"no" dammit. I really wanted Brie to get a boyfriend and she hasn't hooked up with a guy since Daniel cheated on her, which was 2 years ago.

"then what up with the kissing"

"Nothing really but after the show tomorrow night , we are going on a date" Dean tells me.

"we are" Brie tells him surprised. Brie has always had a crush on Dean, but she was with Bryan and he was with one of his ex girlfriend, Renee Young. She quit after she broke up with Dean because she said it was too awkward. I hear a groan come from beside me. I look over to see Seth has woken up.

" How much longer till we get there" Seth says.

" the GPS says in about two hours" Dean tells us.

" wait you have been driving for six hours" I tell Dean

"yea I guess"

"stop the car" I tell him.

"what why"

" I'm driving so hurry up" Once Dean Stops him and I switch places. Not long until Seth and Brie switch places because Brie wanted to be with Dean.

"Nicole is it okay if we use your bed shit" Dean tells me.

"to sleep yes, to do whatever your dirty mind wants to do no".

"we'll save that for the hotel room" I look over at them confused.

"you guys are sharing a hotel room"

"well we were thinking why not get a hotel room for all of us" Brie says. Sharing a hotel room with Dean, I'm fine, but with Seth, no.

"we are" Seth and I say at the same time.

"yea it would be fun" She tells us

"are we getting that hotel room where they have four or three beds right"

"I don't know, we'll have to see when we get there" I groan once she says that. I see a gas station nearby, so I stop there, so I can get some snacks.

"does anybody have to use the restroom"

"not me" Brie and Dean say at the same time. Just leaves Seth and I. I get out of the car to go get some snacks for us. I quickly grab my snacks. Just when I was going to leave the aisle. I see three girls with their hands all over Seth. He looks at me with pleading eyes. Usually I would have just left him there, but since I wanted to get back on the road. I decided to help him.

" babe, what are you doing" I see the girls giving me glares as I walk over to Seth.

"who are you" one of the girls tells me.

" I'm his girlfriend" I mentally curse at myself, since I didn't sound so sure.

"you sure, doesn't sound like it" I walk over to Seth and smash my lips onto his and have a mini little make out session in the middle of an aisle. He smiles in between the kiss, as I flip the three girls off. They scoff and walk away.

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