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After we all finish eating, I go straight to the living room and watch rewinds of total divas. I'm guessing the others are upstairs packing.

"This is getting boring" I say to myself. I go to the WWE network and watch many old matches.

"Whatcha doing" Seth says, coming down the stairs.

"Just watching some old matches"


"So Seth can I ask you a question"

"Sure go ahead"

"Can you go down to the basement and get me crutches"

"Nicole you're not supposed to use crutches you know that right"

"Yeah, but the wheelchair is so boring"

"Nicole" damn he won't budge.

"Seth" I say.

"I can't go down there and get you crutches"


"Nope sorry" what the hell am I supposed to do.

Suddenly an idea pops in my head. I bite my lip and lean toward him and give him a slow and gentle kiss on the lips. After a minute he starts kissing back. I pull away.

"Okay I'll go get your crutches"

I smirk victorious. I sit back and watch Lita and Trish Stratus.

"Okay I got your damn crutches" he says coming back from the basement.

"Thanks Sethie"

"You're welcome"

"Finally I can walk way faster"

"Well you couldn't really walk when you were on the wheel chair"

"Oh shut up"

I smile at him and he smiles back. Brie comes downstairs with her suitcase in hand.

"I am so not looking forward to this" she says with a groan.

"Why" I ask

"Steph just gave me a script of what I'll be doing"


"I have a feud with Charlotte"

"Oh, good luck"

"Fuck you"

"No thanks I would rather have someone do that for me"

"Nicole" Brie says shocked.


"That was gross" I look over at Seth seeing him with the I have an idea face.

"I'll be back" Seth says.


My phone starts ringing and it says it's Nattie calling me.

Nattie: hey Nicole how are you

Me: I'm fine

Nattie: that's great, can't wait to see you in the ring kicking other people's butts

Me: oh me to Nattie

Nattie: so how's your recovery

Where do we Stand~S.R. And N.B. FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora