Vingt Et Un (1)

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Rachel was back home to pick up a few things for Regan and herself while she stayed with Philip. Who knew that in all this time they would find themselves where they are right now? Regan pregnant with a man child and dating other people, while she the best friend, sat on the sidelines and watched as everything unfolded. Yes, all of their lives were no longer the same. She pondered thoughtfully to herself. As Rachel was packing the essentials that they'd need for tonight, and everything else she had requested of her, Rachel thought she heard a small knock on the door. Did she hear that correctly? Or was she hearing things? She listened quietly to see if she would hear the knocking again and when she heard nothing, resumed packing up hers and Regan's things. She packed only the essentials, spicy potato chips, gummy candies and hordes of chocolate that she kept stored in her closet for emergencies only.

"Ah, perfect, only the essentials." She said out loud to herself. She packed an overnight bag as well, and then headed out to her car.

As she opened the front door, she discovered a small blue box on the doorstep, the knocking she had heard earlier, hadn't been a figment of her imagination.

"What the hell is this?" she asked while she looked around her neighborhood.

The sky was dark, with a few stars here and there. The street lights were already on, illuminating the pitch-black neighborhood. Who had ever left the package, had taken great care to wait until it was dark enough to not be discovered. She lifted the box and inspected it carefully. It was big enough to fit a grapefruit inside of it, and yet it weighed barely anything. The box was blue and it had a white bow on top. She looked a little more closely and under the bow was a small white card, with an inscription on it.

For Regan It read.

"Oh how cute, I wonder what Malcolm sent her?" Rachel said excitedly.

"Should I take a quick peek? Ugh no, it's Regan's box Rachel, don't be nosy. Oh but I'm so curious." She continued with this one-sided conversation until the curiosity became too much.

She brought the box inside, closed the door and proceeded to take a quick peek, she was only peeking just because she was curious, not for any other reason, she mentally chastised herself. She lifted the top of the box and inside was another card, sitting on top of a mountain of tissue paper with another inscription. She lifted the card and gagged in disgust, on the bed of tissue, sat a dead rat. It looked fresh. She quickly picked up the card and read what it said,

One day soon we'll meet, be prepared, because I'm coming for you.

Rachel dropped the card in horror, she felt an icy chill creep down her spine. Someone was after Regan, but why? Regan was so innocent, who wanted to hurt her? She needed to call Philip and Malcolm to warn them. If this was dropped of here, where Regan lived, there was no doubt that someone was following her. She immediately got on her cell and started to dial the people she needed to tell.

After about twenty minutes, the police, Malcolm and Philip were at her place. Between the three of them, they had agreed that perhaps Regan should know as little as possible so as not to cause her and the baby anymore distress.

"Rachel, tell me what's going on?" Malcolm, asked as soon as he was able to get through the door. The police had showed up soon after she called them, and they were currently taking pictures and collecting evidence from around her home.

"Someone is after Regan."

"What do you mean?" he asked horrified.

"Rachel!" Phillip barged in and looked at all of the policemen around the girls' apartment and was instantly alert.

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