Day Three. "Don't talk to me again."

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Dad and Vegeta slammed their fists into each other's faces!
They both stumbled back, but then they regained their composure and attacked each other again!
I watched helplessly.
Dad punched Vegeta repeatedly, and Vegeta tried to hit Dad but he wasn't fast enough!
Vegeta fired multiple blasts at Dad, but Dad dodged them all! Dad teleported behind Vegeta and punched him in the kidney!
Vegeta coughed, then he spun around and threw a punch at Dad's face!
Dad blocked the punch easily and then he sent one of his own punches into Vegeta's face!
Vegeta flew back and crashed into a tree, the trees fell down.
Dad slammed his fists into Vegeta's stomach repeatedly, Vegeta coughed up blood and then Dad slammed Vegeta into the ground!
Vegeta made a deep crater as he crashed into the ground!
Vegeta gagged on blood.
Vegeta roared and threw several attacks at Dad, but he was able to avoid them all!
Dad kicked Vegeta in the face, and then he spun kicked Vegeta!
Vegeta crashed into the ground. Vegeta got up and wiped blood off of his mouth.
He roared as he started charging up a attack.
"FINAL FLASH!!!" Vegeta roared and blasted at Dad!
Dad's eyes widened, he roared and deflected the blast into the sky!!! Dad stumbled back and held his hand in pain, Vegeta was shocked.
"You deflected my ultimate attack." Vegeta said in awe.
Dad teleported behind Vegeta and punched him repeatedly.
Vegeta blasted Dad, Dad slid back and then Vegeta flew at him. Vegeta roared and punched Dad in the face! Dad quickly grabbed Vegeta's wrist and slammed him on the ground!
Vegeta got back up, but Dad sent a powerful punch into his gut!
Vegeta fell down and Dad put his palm against his face.
Dad's palm started glowing and I then realized that Dad's gonna kill him!
I growled and pulled my clothes back on.
I then leaped at Dad, I kicked him in the face and sent him sliding on the ground.
Dad held his face and looked at me in surprise.
"Why'd you do that Gohan?" Dad asked.
"Vegeta didn't deserve that. Vegeta and I have" I scratched my head as I thought about what we have,"anyways, I gave my consent to Vegeta. He wasn't forcing me, he asked and I allowed it. This isn't your business, so get your nose out of it Dad. Don't talk to me again."
Dad stared at me, surprised.
Dad growled and then he flew away.
Vegeta got up and walked over to me.
He touched my arm.
"Thanks Gohan—"
I jerked my arm away, I glared at Vegeta.
"I just ruined my relationship with my Dad because of you! Never come near me again!" I yelled and flew away from Vegeta.
"Gohan!" Vegeta yelled and flew after me.
He caught up to me and grabbed my hand, turning me around to look at him.
"You can't leave me, your the reason why I'm not depressed about everything that Bulma has done to me." He said.
I yanked my hand away.
I snarled at him.
"Why did you have to fight!?" I growled.
"Exactly! You can't even come up with a good explanation! Why do you and Dad always have to fight!? Why can't you two just get along!?" I asked.
Vegeta sighed and looked away from me.
"You know how your Father started kissing you and stuff. Right?" Vegeta asked.
"Whenever a species gets close to extinction, a natural instinct comes into the animal's mind to mate and reproduce. That's what is happening with your Father and I. We are getting a natural instinct to mate with you." Vegeta explained.
"Why don't you two just mate?" I replied.
"Because we are both doms. Doms don't have eggs for fertilization, tubes, and all the things you need for a baby. However, subs on the other hand do. Subs have everything for a child to grow inside of them." Vegeta said.
"Wait, does that mean I'm a sub?" I asked.
"Yes. Whenever a dom catches a sub, they will do anything to mate with it. That's why your Father and I were fighting. To see who would get mating rights." Vegeta answered.
I took all this information in, and then I asked,"Does that mean that Trunks, Dad, and you will all be trying to mate with me?"
Vegeta nodded.
"All of the royal Saiyans are doms, which is why both Trunks and I are doms. I don't know about Kakarot's family, but I know that he's a dom." Vegeta said.
I sighed and looked down.
"What does the instinct to mate feel like?" I asked.
"It makes you feel horny." Vegeta answered.
I blushed.
"How come this is barely happening? Why didn't it happen when you first met me?" I questioned.
"Because you just went through puberty and probably still are. When you go through puberty you finish developing your eggs and tubes." Vegeta replied.
"So, how come I don't feel an instinct to mate?"
"You will eventually, but not till a while from now."
"What about Cell!?" I asked as I thought of the bio-android.
"What about him?"
"He has Saiyan blood in him too! Does that mean he'll want to mate with me!?"
Vegeta sighed.
"I really hope that he doesn't." Vegeta said.
Vegeta and I stayed quiet, floating over the forest.
I then blushed as I thought about all the dominate Saiyans trying to get in bed with me.
Why me???
Why couldn't I be a dominant instead of a submissive!?
I looked away from Vegeta and said,"Well, I still don't want you coming near me."
Then I flew away.
To be continued....

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