The Morning

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I woke up to see Vegeta pulling his shirt on.
I sat up and smiled.
"Heya." I chirped.
Vegeta turned his head and smiled.
"Hey Gohan, did you sleep well?"
"Yah. What about you?" I responded.
"Yep." Vegeta said as he grabbed his pants and pulled those on too.
I got up and started pulling my clothes on as well.
"Don't forget your lube Gohan." Vegeta chuckled.
I also giggled as I grabbed it and put it in my pocket.
I grabbed my watering pot and then I said,"Let's go."
Vegeta walked over to me and held my open hand. Then we walked back towards my house.
I felt Vegeta's eyes on me as I watered my plants.
I peeked at him and saw him looking proud of the Mate Mark I left him. I smiled and continued watering my plants.
I hummed a song as I did.
I wonder if Mom even noticed I was gone yesterday. I put the watering pot down and said,"I'm all done!"
Vegeta watched as I placed the watering pot next to the door. Then I asked,"What do you wanna do?"
"Well, since we just woke up I would like to brush my teeth. I would also like it if you did the same." Vegeta said.
I nodded and opened the door. Vegeta walked after me as I made my way to the restroom. I grabbed my toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste on it, then I wet it. After that I started brushing my teeth.
"What about me? I don't have a toothbrush here." Vegeta said.
I pointed to the cabinet under the sink. Vegeta opened it and pulled out an extra toothbrush.
Then Vegeta started brushing his teeth as well.
I stared at Vegeta through the mirror, Vegeta noticed and smiled. Then he stuck his tongue out and started brushing his tongue too. I did the same and soon we were done.
We left the restroom and I opened the door of my Mom's room. I looked inside and saw Mom sleeping.
Wearing one of Dad's shirts, dried tears on her cheeks. I frowned. She wouldn't be like this if I had killed Cell when I should have, but I just had to be a show off and torture him.
I sighed and said,"I'll make us cereal."
"Alright." Vegeta replied.
I grabbed his hand and led him to the table.
Once he sat down I started making cereal. When I was done I placed his bowl in front of him and then I sat down next to him too. I started eating out of my plate slowly. Vegeta too.
Usually we we would finish this in a second, but I guess we both wanna savor this meal together.
"Move in with me." Vegeta said.
I spit out my cereal all over the table!!!
I stared at Vegeta, my eyes wide.
"W-what?" I stuttered.
"Move in with me. We'll be living in a small apartment since Bulma is going to kick me out soon." Vegeta explained.
"I dunno...."
"Please Gohan!" Vegeta said as he held my hand.
I shook my head and said,"I can't Vegeta. My Mom still needs me, I can't leave her alone. She's pregnant Vegeta."
Vegeta frowned and replied,"But so are you! Your pregnant yourself but your placing all this stress on your shoulders when you should be relaxing so that we can have a healthy baby."
I bit my lip as I looked down at my lap.
"Well....still. She's my Mother." I said.
Vegeta was about to reply but I cut him off by saying,"Besides, I shouldn't move in yet. We barely became Mates yesterday. After my child is born I'll move in with you Veggie."
Vegeta sighed, but then he smiled.
"Ok. And even though the child isn't mine, I will love it as if it were my own flesh and blood."
I smiled too.
"Good morning Gohan." Mom yawned as she walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning Mom." I greeted.
"Good morning Vegeta—Vegeta!? What are you doing here?" Mom asked as she wiped the sleep from her eyes.
"I was just spending time with my Mate." Vegeta answered.
"Oh ok—wait what!? Is there someone else here!? Who's your mate? Is it me??" Mom asked.
Vegeta cleared his throat and looked at me. I nodded.
Vegeta said,"Gohan is my Mate."
Mom's knees buckled as she fainted.
Yamcha fainted.
Vegeta quickly caught her and lifted her up, placing her back on her feet.
Mom wiped her forehead and held onto Vegeta for support.
"Gohan, are you okay with this?" Mom asked.
"Yes Mom."
"Is he forcing you into a relationship your not ready for?"
"No Mom."
Mom squeezed her lips as she thought. Then she smiled and said,"Okay. I'm fine with it, just don't let that distract you from your studies."
I smiled widely.
Wow! Mom didn't get upset!!! I was expecting her to punch Vegeta or something, but she took that surprisingly well.
Mom started making herself cereal.
Vegeta looked at me and asked,"Wanna come to Capsule Corp with me and help me move the last of my stuff to my apartment?"
"Yea sure."
I got up and placed my bowl in the dirty dishes, Vegeta did the same.
"Mom, I'll be back later." I said.
"Okay sweetie." Mom replied.
I grabbed Vegeta's hand and we walked out the house.
Then we flew towards the city.
To be continued...

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