"Enter the Martial Arts Tournament."

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When Vegeta and I got home, he went to our room to sleep.
I changed into my Great Saiyaman outfit and flew out through the balcony window.
As I flew I looked down at the city. It looks beautiful from up here.
But the peace was soon interrupted as a car sped down the main highway.
Two police cars chasing after it.
Suddenly a guy poked his head out of the passenger window and was holding a rpg. He shot a missile at a police car!
The police car exploded and flipped over, landing on its back. The other police car kept chasing after it.
A airplane with the words, SATAN on it landed in front of the speeders. The arm stopped abruptly, before coming to a stop.
Videl hopped out of the airplane and said,"Guys, leave the money on the ground and give up. Before anyone gets hurt."
Two men stepped out of the car.
One was very tall and very muscular.
The other was very short and skinny.
I then realized the big one was Glock! How does he keep escaping! Glock cracked his knuckles and smirked.
"You don't scare me princess. Remember last time. I knocked you unconscious." Glock chuckled.
Videl got into a fighting stance.
"I've been training and now I'm even stronger." Videl said.
The skinny man laughed and pulled out a gun.
"I'll handle the police, you kick her ass Glock." He said as he started shooting at the police behind them.
Glock smirked.
"After I'm done with you, I'm coming after your father." He said and then he roared as he lunged at Videl.
I'll just watch and step in when it gets out of hand.
Videl dodged one of his punches, then she sent a kick at his face. Glock blocked the kick and grabbed her ankle, he slammed her on the ground!
Videl leapt back then she lunged at Glock. Videl kicked his face repeatedly and then she punched his face. Glock stumbled back and he growled.
"You aren't bluffing. Well, good thing I brought my revolver. They don't call me Glock for nothin." Glock said as he pulled out his gun!
I flew down towards the scene, Glock pulled the trigger!! I quickly flew in front of Videl, I caught the bullet and then I tossed it on the ground.
"Great Saiyaman!?" Videl said from behind me.
"The one and only!" I replied with my cool hero voice.
I turned to my attention back on Glock and asked,"How many times are you going to escape before you finally realize that I'll get you every time."
Glock growled but then he chuckled.
"I know your secret Saiyaman. Do you want your girlfriend to know about it?" Glock asked.
"M-my girlfriend!? I'm not dating Videl. What secret are you talking about?"
"You don't remember? Mr. G. Warrior." Glock chuckled.
I then realized what he was talking about.
Dammit! I should have never transformed into a Super Saiyan!!
I crossed my arms and said,"You don't scare me! By the count of three you will already be down."
"You can't reach me from this distance in three second—"
Glock collapsed on the ground, I smirked.
"What was that?" I mocked.
"Great Saiyaman! The police need help too!" Videl said as she ran to knock out the scrawny man.
Videl kicked his back and then he twisted his arm. The man screamed in pain and started shouting his gun wildly.
Videl then quickly knocked him out.
The police men came out from hiding behind their cars and walked over to us.
"Thank you, both of you." One of the police men said.
The police took the two men and placed them in their car. The police then drove away.
"Another happy ending." I said with a smile.
"Yea. So Gohan want a ride?" Videl asked.
"No problem. I can fly home—"
I turned around and stared at Videl.
"Y-you figured it out already!?" I asked.
"Yea. That voice isn't gonna fool anyone. Also you knew my name." Videl said.
I sighed and Videl said,"I won't tell anyone. Unless you do something for me."
"What is it?" I asked.
"Enter the Martial Art Tournament." Videl answered.
"The tournament? I don't know Videl."
"Come on Gohan. I did some research and found out that before my dad won a tournament, a guy called Son Goku did. I also found out that he had a son called Gohan. He's your dad isn't he?"
"Uh. Yeah." I replied.
"Oh come on Gohan. If you don't I'll tell everyone!" Videl smirked.
"Please don't! I wear this outfit to protect my family's privacy." I said.
"Then enter the tournament." Videl replied.
"Geez, fine."
"See that wasn't so hard. Also, I have another condition."
"What's that?"
"Teach me how to fly. I'll be at your place tomorrow. Bye Gohan." Videl said as she patted my chest and got into her airplane.
The plane flew off.
I sighed and then I flew home.
When I walked inside the apartment, I saw Goten and Trunks Jr were back.
"Hey Daddy."
"Hi Gohan."
"Heh guys. Goten go home, its about to be seven." I said.
"But I'm having fun with my nephew!" Goten whined.
"Ok ok. Be gone by seven thirty."
I walked into the kitchen and then I pressed the button on my watch. The costume disappeared.
Opening the refrigerator, I grabbed some eggs.
Soon I was cooking four giant omelette for all of us.
As soon as I was done cooking, I turned around and saw all three of them sitting at the table. Their mouths watering.
I chuckled and grabbed four plates. I placed an omelette on each plate, then I put a plate in front of each one. I sat down and said,"Alright everybody. First one to finish gets five dollars."
"Yay!!" Goten and Trunks Jr cheered as they started eating chunks.
I looked at Vegeta and he looked at me.
"I have something to tell you." Vegeta whispered to me.
"Wait until Trunks Jr is asleep." I replied.
After Goten left, Trunks Jr went to sleep.
I sent him to bed a bit early, but I wanna know what Vegeta has to tell me.
Once he was asleep I found Vegeta sitting on our bed. I sat down next to him and he wrapped his arm around me. He kissed my cheek and said,"I'm sorry Gohan. I got too mad at you this morning when we were at the mall."
"It's okay Vegeta. I forgive you." I replied.
"Oh. I'm entering the Martial Arts tournament. I have a month to train." I said.
"I'll enter too. I've been training very hard lately. Now I can see the fruits of my training." Vegeta said back.
Alright! I'll enter too!
My eyes widened.
Same with Vegeta.
"What's that," I breathed heavily,"Dad?"
Hey guys!
It's me, Goku!
I'm talking to you through King Kai. I overheard you two and decided to enter as well. I've been training pretty hard myself Vegeta.
Vegeta grinned and clenched his fists.
"Kakarot." Vegeta repeated.
"Dad are you for real?" I asked.
Yep! Apparently I get to come back to Earth for one day!
"Awesome! Wait a minute. Why didn't you do that when Goten was born—"
Anyways Gohan, tell your mother I'm really looking forward to see her again. I'll see you at the tournament. Bye Gohan.
"Bye Dad."
After that Vegeta and I were silent.
Then I started crying and laughing at the same time. Vegeta hugged me and I hugged him tightly.
"He's really coming back." I sobbed.
Vegeta let go of the hug and said,"Go and tell everyone."
I stood up and nodded.
"Yea! I'll be right back." I said as I ran out of the apartment.
I pressed my watch and transformed into the Great Saiyaman.
I then blasted off into the night sky as I flew to all of our friend's houses.
To be continued...

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