Gohan's Power Awakens! Z-Fighters versus the Cell Juniors!

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I watched as the Cell Jr's charge at them!
"They may look small, but they are incredibly strong!" Dad warned as they landed in front of the gang.
Vegeta and Trunks transformed into Super Saiyans.
One punched Dad in the face! Dad stumbled back.
Dad growled and said,"I should have taken that Senzu bean while I had the chance."
"Stop it!" I yelled.
Cell chuckled.
A Cell Jr rammed his fist into Vegeta's face! Vegeta roared and kicked it in the stomach, then the Cell Jr punched Vegeta repeatedly in the face! Vegeta grabbed his wrist and slammed him on the ground, then Vegeta blasted him. The Cell Jr got back up, kicking Vegeta in the face. Vegeta spit out blood, but then Vegeta slammed it's face into the ground!
Vegeta flew in the sky and threw multiple blasts at it!!
Trunks dodged punches from his Cell Jr. Trunks then threw a punch at the Cell Jr, but the Cell Jr caught his punch and kicked him in the face. Trunks roared and kicked the Cell Jr, but the Cell Jr blocked the kick at the last moment!
The Cell Jr blasted Trunks in the face and laughed as he punched Trunks in the stomach repeatedly!
Piccolo was punched, kicked, and blasted!
Piccolo roared and slashed his claws wildly at the Cell Jr. The Cell Jr dodged all his attacks and then kicked him in the face! Piccolo stumbled back, but he was knocked down by the Cell Jr.
"No stop!"
Dad growled as he struggled to fight the Cell Jr. The Cell Jr laughed as he punched Dad in the face, Dad fell down, but then he got back up and lunged at the Cell Jr.
Dad attempted a punch, but the Cell Jr dodged the attack and then he uppercutted Dad! Dad spit out blood and went into the air, but then the Cell Jr slammed him down on the ground! The Cell Jr kicked Dad's body around.
Tien was slammed on the ground! Yamcha was punched in the face! Krillin was punched, and he fell down unconscious!
Tien growled as he got up, and so did Yamcha.
"We gotta work together!" Tien said.
"Yeah!" Yamcha replied.
Tien and Yamcha lunged at a single Cell Jr.
They grabbed it by his arms and then they both roared as they kicked it in the stomach! The Cell Jr went crashing into a mountain, but then it returned and was looking angry.
Tien roared as he threw several attacks at it! The Cell Jr dodged them all, then he rammed a right hook into Tien's face, blood flew out his nose as he fell down unconscious!
"Tien!" Yamcha said and then he growled.
"You hurt my friend! WOLF FANG FIST!!!" Yamcha roared and flew at the Cell Jr!
"No Yamcha!" I yelled.
Yamcha roared as he threw several quick attacks, a wolf shape surrounded him as he attacked. The Cell Jr dodged his attacks with ease, then it laughed as it threw a kick at him!
Yamcha put his arm out to block, but the kick snapped his arm into an awkward shape!
Yamcha screamed in pain, then the Cell Jr knocked him unconscious.
I stood up and clenched my fists.
"No, please stop." I said as my eyes started to water.
"Children! You can kill them!!" Cell yelled.
"What!? No Cell please don't! I thought you cared about me!" I said.
"Shut up you whore. I don't want a impure as my mate, you nasty little slut. You've had sex several times in the past ten days. Disgusting. Revolting. Even with your own father." Cell said.
I looked down at my feet.
Vegeta punched his Cell Jr away and then Vegeta spread his arms out.
"FINAL FLASH!!!" Vegeta roared and blasted at it!
The Cell Jr screamed and quickly dodged the blast, but then Vegeta kicked it in the face!
The Cell Jr growled and punched Vegeta back!
"Heh. If you don't hurry, your friends will die. Only Vegeta and Trunks can hold their own against my perfect offspring. Goku was a fool not to heal when he had the chance. It's only a matter of time before they are all dead." Cell chuckled.
No!! No!!
I growled and saw a buzz flicker around me, but then it disappeared.
Suddenly a object fell right in front of me.
It's 16's head!
He smiled at me.
"1-16!" I said.
"Let it go Gohan." He said.
"It is not a sin to fight for the right cause. There are those who words can not reach alone. You have to let it go. Let your emotions run free. I know how you feel Gohan, but there is no need to hold back." 16 said.
"What an adorable speech." Cell said as he started walking over to us.
"But were going to do things my way." Cell smirked.
"Gohan. I've learned to love this planet and it's inhabitants. You have the power to protect them. Please do so." 16 smiled sadly.
Cell then stomped on his head, oil/blood spurt out.
A chip flew out and then the chip turned off.
16....you loved and cherished life. You weren't supposed to die. I won't let Cell get away with this, I won't let this go on...
"ANYMORE!!!!" I roared and felt something inside me snap.
I roared loudly!
My energy flared, a crater forming around me, lightning buzzed and flickered around me, I felt tears pour out of my eyes.
My hair felt different. Spikier.
Everyone looked at me in shock.
Dad smiled and said,"Told ya."
Cell smirked widely.
"At long last! Now we can have a battle greater than the one I had with Goku, let's begin!" Cell said happily.
I walked towards Cell, and snatched the Senzu Beans out of his hands.
Cell looked surprised.
"He was fast enough to take the Senzu Beans away from me?" Cell said in shock.
I glared at Cell.
"Children! Take the Senzu Beans away from him now!!!" Cell ordered.
The Cell Jr's all then lunged at me! I tossed the Senzu Bean bag high in the sky and then I threw a punch at the first one that reached at me.
My fist tore his head off his neck, the Cell Jr fell down dead.
Then I caught the Senzu Bean pouch as it came back down, I then gripped it tightly as the other six lunged at me.
I dodged all their attacks and blasts. All of it seemed slow to me. I kicked one in half, then I spun around and punched a hole in another's chest.
The two fell down dead.
"RAUGH!" A Cell Jr roared and threw several punches at me.
I dodged all the attacks, then I grabbed his wrist and tore his arm off. After that I kicked his head off. The remaining three all blasted at me at the same time.
I dodged the blasts and flew at one.
"This is for Yamcha." I whispered into his ear and then I killed him.
I turned to another one, and killed him too.
"That was for Tienshenhan."
The last one was terrified.
"This is one, is for Krillin."
Soon there were seven small blue corpses on the ground.
I turned to glare at Cell.
"Your next."
To be continued...
Hey guys.
Even though we have Dragon Ball Super, I just watched the ending of DBGT. It brought a tear to my eye.
Best ending ever!
Let's hope Dragon Ball Super continues for many more years to carry on the tale of the Dragonballs.
This was pretty random. Lol.

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