Preliminary Round

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A month has passed since Dad said he was going to be at the tournament.
Today is the day of the tournament. Today I will see Dad again, after seven long years I get to see Dad again.
Vegeta and I were getting ready. I was getting into my Great Saiyaman costume, except I wore a bandana and sunglasses instead of my helmet. I can't wear my helmet because armor isn't allowed in the tournament.
That is also another reason why Vegeta is just wearing spandex. Trunks Jr was dressed in a Gi that was purple like my old one.
"Are you two ready? Bulma is going to take us all, we're meeting up at Capsule Corp." I said.
"I'm ready Daddy!" Trunks Jr said.
"Yeah. Me too." Vegeta added.
"Alright guys, let's go."
We flew to Capsule Corp and landed in the front yard. Everyone was already here.
Krillin walked over to me and said,"Hey Gohan."
"Hey Krillin." I replied.
"I see you've decided to wear that outfit of yours." Krillin said.
"Yea, I don't want anyone from school to know it's me. They'll probably yell mean things at me." I chuckled.
"Everyone! Get on the plane, were leaving!" Bulma yelled as she got into the drivers seat.
Vegeta glared at Bulma and Bulma glared back at him.
We all got in the plane.
Krillin's daughter Maron was playing with Goten. How cute.
Piccolo was standing in the corner with his eyes closed and arms crossed.
Vegeta doing the exact same thing in the other corner.
Krillin and Android 18 talking.
Master Roshi trying to get a "puff puff" on Bulma.
Mom talking with Yamcha.
"Oh guys! Remember, we can't use Super Saiyan in the tournament." I said.
"Aw man." Trunks whined.
"Now you can't beat me, ha!" Trunks Jr laughed.
"Why?" Goten asked.
"Because then people will think that we're aliens or something." I answered.
"Oh ok."
"Alright." Vegeta said.
We were all signed in and waiting for Dad at the entrance.
"Do you see him?"
"Maybe he bailed."
"If he doesn't sign in to the tournament in four minutes then he won't be allowed to participate in the tournament." Krillin said.
That's when we heard him.
"Hey guys!"
We all turned and saw him, standing there with a big smile. Fortune teller Baba floating next to him.
"D-Dad." I said as I felt my eyes water.
"Goku." Krillin said as he fought back tears.
"Goku!" Mom yelled as she ran to him.
Krillin and I ran to Dad too. Then we hugged him.
Dad laughed and then he held Mom by her waist as they stared into each other's eyes.
"I've really missed you Chichi." Dad said.
"Oh Goku, I've missed you so much too." Mom said as she leaned forward.
Then they kissed.
After they were done kissing, Dad turned to me. He patted my shoulder and said,"You've really grown Gohan."
Then he winked at me, making me lightly blushed as I remembered everything we did. Krillin said,"Goku, I've missed you so much!"
"Heh heh heh. Krillin." Dad said as he hugged Krillin.
"Hey." Piccolo waved at Dad.
"Hey Piccolo." Dad waved back.
I then remembered Goten.
He was hiding behind Mom. Goten poked his head out from behind Mom's leg, Dad stared down at him.
"Uh Chichi, I think there's a mini me behind you!" Dad said in shock.
Mom laughed and then she said,"Goten, come out. This is your Father."
Goten cautiously walked towards Dad. He looked him up and down. Then Goten smiled and ran at Dad.
"Daddy!" Goten yelled as he hugged Dad.
Dad laughed and hugged him back.
Goten started crying and laughing, Dad was laughing.
Dad picked him up and asked,"Wanna be a plane?"
"Yea yeah!" Goten said excitedly.
Dad laughed as he threw Goten in the sky and caught him.
Trunks Jr stood next to me and asked,"Is that Grandpa?"
"Yea that's him." I replied.
"Goku, don't forget. You only got about a minute and a half to sign in or they won't allow you to fight." Piccolo said.
"Oh yeah! I almost forgot!" Dad said as he put Goten down.
He ran towards the registration table at the entrance.
Mom was happy. Oolong and Puar were crying. Yamcha was smiling. I think I even saw Vegeta with a slight smile.
We were in the dressing room as we put our bags into lockers. After that we were escorted into another room.
Goten, Trunks, and Trunks Jr were escorted to the Jr's division of the tournament.
When we walked into the room a guy with blonde hair and sunglasses walked up to us.
He looked extremely happy to see Dad.
"It's you guys! Finally you've returned to the Martial Arts Tournament!" He said.
"Hey." Dad said.
"These past years have been really boring without you guys," he paused and looked at Piccolo,"but please don't destroy the ring this time."
"Can't make any promises." Piccolo replied with a chuckle.
"Well I gotta go to the ring to regulate the kid's matches. I'll see you guys later." He said as he left.
"So are there still preliminary rounds?" Krillin asked no one in particular.
"Not sure." I replied.
A arm suddenly wrapped around mine and pulled me away from my friends.
It was Videl.
"Hey Videl." I smiled.
"Hi Gohan." Videl smiled back.
"Gohan, is this your girlfriend?" Krillin asked from behind.
I turned around and saw Vegeta death glaring at Videl.
"What no! I'm dating Vegeta remember?" I replied.
"Your dating Vegeta?" Dad asked with a slight frown.
"Yea, my kid though is Trunks' kid."
"You have a kid??" Videl asked.
"It's complicated Videl." I said to her.
"Is that your Dad?" Videl asked.
"Yep. Remember I told you he was dead, but you didn't believe me." I said.
"Oh yea."
"Why do we need to get into a line, don't we fight?" Krillin said confused.
"Who knows." Android 18 replied.
Then all the fighters in the room got into a line.
"What we will be doing is a punching machine. We have the World Savior and Champion, Mr. Satan here to demonstrate how it works." He said.
Hercule roared as he punched the machine.
"A score of 137!!! Incredible!!" The guy with the microphone yelled.
"Oh yeah!!" Hercule shouted as he puffed his chest out.
Then Hercule left while screaming,"OH YEAH!"
"Guys take it easy on the machine, ok?" Dad said.
"Yea. Sure." Krillin replied.
After an hour of waiting in line it was finally our turn.
Android 18 was up first.
She lightly punched the machine.
"A score of 774!?"
"Android 18!" Krillin whispered with a frown.
"I'm sorry ma'am, the  machine must've been broken. Please try again." He said.
Android 18 sighed and lightly tapped it.
Next up is Krillin.
"Um sir, the magnets must be busted or something—"
"Move aside." Vegeta snarled as he punched the machine.
The machine exploded and went flying back.
"So much for holding back." Dad said as he frowned.
Vegeta walked off, leaving the chubby guy in shock.
Wait! It was about to be Videl's turn, why'd Vegeta do that. I'm behind Videl so I didn't get to try either.
"We're gonna go watch the kid's matches. We'll see you later." Dad said as they walked off.
"We have had a malfunction. Everybody please wait while we get another punching machine." The chubby man said as he wiped the sweat off his forehead.
"Aw man. Now we gotta wait." I groaned.
"I'm okay with waiting, if I'm with you." Videl said as she wrapped her arms around my arm and leaned into me.
I blushed and said,"Videl! I'm gay remember?"
Videl ignored me and then she said to a guy behind me,"Keep our place please."
"Yea sure!" He replied.
Videl dragged me off into the restroom.
When we were in there, Videl locked the door.
"Uh Videl??"
Videl walked towards me, I walked backwards. But soon I was against the wall. Videl then got really close to me, her fingers lightly grazed my crotch area.
"Gohan, I want you badly." Videl said with a slight moan.
"Videl, we can't. I'm with Vegeta." I replied.
"I don't care. We're gonna have sex." Videl said as she started pulled off her shirt.
"No Videl!"
She covered my mouth as she started groping my crotch.
I lightly pushed her away and walked out of the restroom. Videl was running after me, soon she caught up.
She has her shirt back on.
"Gohan!" Videl whined.
"Videl, I'm with Vegeta. If you can't respect my decision then I don't know why we should be friends." I said with a glare.
"I'm sorry Gohan, I promise to never do that ever again!" Videl replied.
"Good. Now let's get back in line."
To be continued...

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