Goku vs Cell

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Dad got into his fighting stance and Cell smirked.
Hercule soon limped his way back over to us and stood next to the reporter.
"Hercule! What happened out there!?" The reporter asked.
"Uh....I just lost my footing!" Hercule quickly said.
"Yes!!! After Cell beats this guy I'll go up and beat Cell six feet under." Hercule said.
The reporter smiled widely and said,"Did you hear that people?!? Mr. Satan has just announced that he will be fighting Cell as soon as this man with the blonde hair loses!!! We still have a chance at winning!!!"
Krillin sighed.
"Shall we?" Cell asked.
"Heh. Yeah."
Then Dad lunged at Cell.
Dad threw several attacks at Cell, but Cell dodged them all.
Then Cell threw a punch towards Dad's face, but Dad dodged and backflipped away from Cell.
Then Cell chuckled.
Cell flew at Dad!
Cell threw multiple punches and kicks at Dad, but Dad somehow avoided them all. Then Dad grunted as he threw punch after punch at Cell, Cell blocked them, but he was slowly getting pushed back towards the arena's edge.
Then when he was soon at the edge, Dad roared and kicked him off!
Dad leapt away and watched as Cell fell, but then Cell stopped himself in mid air and went back on the arena.
Cell chuckled.
"I knew it wouldn't be that easy to beat you." Dad commented.
Cell replied,"Heh heh heh. I know, I just wanted to pull a little prank because I know your not using your full power."
Dad chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck.
"Sorry about that?" Dad asked.
"Let's go full power, no more warm ups." Cell said.
Dad smirked and replied,"Alright."
Meanwhile, the Reporter, Camera guy, and Hercule all stood there with their jaws touching the ground.
"What do YOU HAVE TO say about that?" The reporter asked Hercule.
"Uhhh...., the guy's an amateur. Cell will beat him in the next few seconds. Guess I underestimated him a little, but I can tell that he's already tired." Hercule commented.
"RAUGH!!!!!" Dad roared as he charged up his power to maximum.
Cell smirked and did the same!!!
Both powers sent dust and the three weak humans flying!!!
They glowed yellow.
Dad walked up to Cell and looked up at his face.
"Go first." Cell said.
Then Dad slammed his fist into Cell's stomach! Cell coughed and then Dad kicked him in the face, Cell went flying in the sky.
Dad flew after him, charging up a blast.
"KA ME HA ME HA!" Dad yelled as he blasted at Cell.
Cell growled and deflected the blast away.
Then he flew at Dad, Cell punched Dad in the face. Sending Dad crashing into the arena, but Dad quickly maneuvered himself so that he landed on his hands and knees. Only cracking the arena floor.
Dad got back up and Cell flew down at him.
Cell punched his face, Dad kicked him repeatedly, then Dad teleported behind Cell and punched him in the spine!
Cell fell forward, but then he vanished and reappeared behind Dad.
Cell laughed as he rammed his fist into Dad's kidney area! Dad went into the sky and he growled as he held his kidney area in pain.
Cell chuckled and then Cell started charging up a blast.
Dad's eyes widened.
"No Cell don't!"
Dad growled.
Dad quickly flew in the sky and yelled,"Up here Cell!!!"
"HA!!!!!" Cell roared and blasted at Dad!!
Dad flew high in the sky as the blast chased him.
Cell smirked, but then Dad suddenly appeared behind him. Cell's eyes widened as Dad kicked him in the cranium!
Cell stumbled, but then turned around to face Dad.
"You knew I would've jumped in the air, didn't you?" Dad asked.
"Nope. I don't care if the planet gets destroyed, I just wanna be amused." Cell answered.
Dad growled and lunged at Cell!
Cell lunged at Dad!
At the moment of impact, they disappeared.
I looked around, and found them fighting high in the sky!
"Where'd they go!?" The reporter asked.
"They disappeared!?" Hercule asked.
Dad and Cell threw hard punches at each other!
The impact of their blows sent dust flying everywhere!
Then they disappeared again, reappearing shortly afterward back on the arena.
But they kept disappearing and reappearing as they fought!
Dust going everywhere!
"I can barely keep up!" Tien said.
"Their almost invisible to me!" Krillin also said.
Cell punched Dad into the sky, Dad roared and slammed his knuckles deep into Cell's face!
Cell flew down towards the ground, but quickly stopped himself before he went out of bounds.
Cell floated back up to where Dad was and smirked.
"This is a intense battle." Cell said.
"..." Dad didn't reply as he tried catching his breath.
"It would be such a shame if this amazing battle were cut short due to something like a 'out of bounds'. So I've removed the rule about that." Cell said and looked down at us.
He aimed his palm at the arena and it started to glow.
Dad's eyes widened and he yelled,"Everyone move!!"
Then Cell shot a blast down at the arena!!!
I opened my eyes, seeing the arena completely gone. A crater now in it's place.
#16 had saved the humans.
"Incredible." Piccolo said in awe.
Dad sighed in relief once he saw that we were all safe.
Dad and Cell floated down back on the ground.
"Now we have the entire planet as our battle ground, isn't this exciting?" Cell asked.
Dad growled and got into his fighting stance.
"Let's continue!" Cell said and also got into his stance.
Then he and Dad rammed into each other!
They growled and roared as they struggled against each other!
Explosions went everywhere!!
Cell punched my Dad repeatedly, Dad roared and punched Cell in the face!
Then Dad slammed his elbow into Cell's stomach, he grabbed Cell and flung him at a nearby mountain!
Cell vanished and reappeared behind Dad! Cell flung a attack at Dad, but Dad quickly teleported behind Cell!
Cell spun around and they punched each other at the same time!
Blood flew out their mouths!
They both stumbled back, but then Dad roared and lunged at Cell!
Dad punched his face, but then Cell kicked him in the stomach. Dad went into the air, and then he started charging up a blast.
My eyes widened.
"Hah! You won't blast down at the earth, you'll end up destroying it!!" Cell said.
"Goku don't!" Trunks yelled.
"Please tell me he's bluffing." Cell said.
Then Dad teleported right in front of Cell.
Dad roared as he blasted Cell upward!!!
As the blast died down, and the smoke cleared. We saw what remained of Cell.
Just his lower half.
Dad's breathing was jagged and sharp.
"He did it!! We won!!" Yamcha cheered.
"Don't be fooled." Piccolo growled.
Suddenly Cell's remnants stood up and then his upper half popped out! He regenerated!
Cell breathed heavily and he growled.
"Damn you." Cell said.
Dad sighed and then they flew at each other again!
Cell growled and grabbed Dad by his hair.
Cell slammed Dad into a mountain!
Dad screamed in pain.
Cell laughed, but then suddenly Dad roared and flared his energy, exploding the mountain!
Dad kept screaming as he flung blast after blast at Cell!
Cell screamed as he blocked them!!
Smoke and dust went all over us as they battled!!
Then Cell roared and made a energy field around him, blocking all the blasts from him.
Cell smirked and then his energy field subsides, Dad floated down to the ground.
Catching his breath.
"Take a Senzu so that this battle can keep on going!" Cell said.
Dad smiled and replied,"Nah. I give up, your too strong for me."
Yamcha fainted.
To be continued....
Also, I'm surprised none of y'all have gotten ideas as to why Gohan's been throwing up.

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