Day Nine

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When I woke up, I groaned as my neck started burning. I looked around, not remembering where I was.
Then I remembered yesterday, Trunks and I had sex in this abandoned building.
I looked to my left and saw Trunks still sleeping. I smiled and kissed his cheek.
Then I stood up, walking around the building to see if there was a mirror. I couldn't find one so I broke a window, I grabbed one of the glass shards and examined my reflection.
I gasped.
My neck has two Mate Marks—
Why did I let Trunks do that!? Why did I let him release inside of me!?
Oh no.
I feel Dad's ki heading this way. Oh no.
I quickly put my clothes back on and left the building. I ran down the sidewalk as fast as I could, until I was soon out of the city and in the countryside.
As I pushed bushes and grass out of my way, I heard someone following me.
I turned my head and saw Dad, he was wearing nothing but a pair of shorts.
Dad ruffled my hair and I lightly laughed.
"So, in two days we have the Cell Games so today we gotta make the most of what we got!!" Dad said as he started tickling me.
I laughed and pushed him away, I hate being tickled.
"Dad, I can't do anything today. I told Piccolo I'd visit him today." I said.
Dad frowned but then he smiled and replied,"okey-dokey!"
Then Dad waved at me and blasted off into the sky.
I watched as he disappeared from my vision, I sighed in relief and then I sat down on the grass.
"Phew! He fell for it!"
I rubbed my neck as I felt both marks, and then I sighed again. Out of all three Dominant Saiyans, my favorite one hasn't bit me. Or release inside of me.
I got up and then I saw someone standing a few feet in front of me. A man wearing a Gi identical to Dad's. His left arm missing, with a scar on his face. A breeze came by, ruffling his hair.
"Who are you?" I asked.
He smiled and walked up to me. He patted my head and said,"I forgot what I looked like as a kid."
"What? I don't understand." I said.
The man chuckled and replied,"Of course you wouldn't. My name is Gohan."
He said and offered me his hand, I suspiciously shook it.
"I'm you from the future." He added.
I gawked and then I heard someone behind me. I turned my head and saw a old man with a bushy mustache, he smiled at me.
"I am also Gohan, but I'm not you. I'm Goku's grandpa Gohan."
Suddenly two more people appeared.
One was me from when I was four. The other was a man with glasses, wearing a green tracksuit.
"We are also Gohan." They both said.
My eyes widened and then I sat down before I passed out.
"I don't understand, how are there so many??" I asked.
"I'm the Gohan from an alternate future." The one in the green tracksuit said.
"I'm you from eight years ago." The little me said.
The Gohan with the missing arm chuckled.
"We can tell your confused, heh. We just came to sync with you. With all of us inside of you, it'll boost your power and spirit." The four year old Gohan said.
"Yes, it'll help you in a great way." The old man Gohan said.
"If you accept us, you can have a great future. It'll turn into my timeline." Gohan in the green tracksuit said with a smile.
"Or if you refuse us, it could turn out like mine." Gohan with a missing arm said darkly.
"Do you accept us?" Grandpa Gohan said.
I got back up and asked,"Gohan, the one without his left arm, could you show me what your future looked like?"
He nodded and said,"Place your hand on my chest."
I placed my hand on his chest like he said, and then everything around us turned black. He said,"This is what it looks like."
Then, the black faded away and revealed a city in flames.
"Wh-what happened!?" I asked.
"The Androids." Gohan whispered and looked down.
He clenched his fist and growled,"I failed in my mission to defeat them, they killed me. Leaving Trunks as the futures' last hope."
Then it went black, after that we were back with the other Gohan's. I moved away from him and walked over to the alternate future me.
"Can you show me?" I asked.
He nodded and took off his glasses, then I placed my hand on his chest.
Soon it was black, then I saw a city. The sun shining brightly, with people moving everywhere.
"This is my future, we still have problems, but Dad and Vegeta beat them. I even have a wife and a daughter." He said with a smile.
I also smiled, then we were soon back with the other Gohan's.
"So what do you say?" Grandpa Gohan asked.
"Yes, I accept you."
They all smiled and then they all placed their palms against my chest.
They turned into light and then the light went inside of me.
Instantly I felt different. I looked at my hands and then I smiled.
"I won't let the future turn out like yours, Future me." I said and then I flew towards home.
Hey guys!
Sorry for not updating in a while, I've been really busy with stuff.
Sorry if you didn't like the chapter, I liked it, but you might've not liked it.
Anyways, yesterday a legendary anime ended. It was the second anime I had ever seen, so I was sad to see it go.
I will never forget the name, Naruto Uzumaki.

I will never forget the name, Naruto Uzumaki

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