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I opened my eyes slowly.
Only seeing white.
Soon the white faded away and I could see again.
I struggled to get up, I placed my arms on the ground but then I yelped in pain as my left arm gave out. I then got up without using my left arm.
I looked down and realized that my arm is broken.
I moaned in pain.
"Krillin, still got more Senzu Beans?" Piccolo asked.
"Nope, were all out." Krillin replied.
"Damn." Piccolo growled.
Blood poured out of a large wound on my left shoulder. I struggled to stay on my feet, my vision darkened a bit, I think I'm about to pass out.
"Hahaha! Looks like you sacrificed yourself for the man you love, was it worth it? Nope." Cell chuckled.
"Shut up." I replied.
"Hehehe. Even with your arm now broken, you still continue to talk as if you have authority. Yeah right. Your just a sub Saiyan, usually sub's just clean and cook. The dominant Saiyans so all the fighting and take all the jobs of conquering planets. You'll die today, unfortunately you never got to see your spawn grow into a fine young Saiyan." Cell said.
My eyes widened.
W-what dad he just say?
"Did you say spawn?" I asked.
"Don't act like you don't know your pregnant. You mated several times with all the other dominant Saiyans over the past few days. In other words, you have a child growing in you. Too bad you'll die." He said with a evil grin.
"Gohan's pregnant!?" Yamcha asked.
"He had sex with Trunks, Vegeta, and his own father!?" Tien added.
I frowned as I listened to them judge me. They saw Dad and I kiss, same with Trunks. Guess they didn't think we would "do it".
I sighed and looked back up at Cell.
Cell looked towards Vegeta and chuckled.
"I know how much it pains you to know that the child isn't yours. The child belongs to Trunks." Cell said.
I looked at Vegeta, who was holding his injured arm. He looked down, I growled and glared at Cell.
"Don't talk like that to Vegeta!" I said.
"Whatever. Anyways," he paused and started charging up a blast,"I will blast this entire solar system to ash!! Hahaha!!!"
Dust swirled around Cell.
"KA ME HA ME...." Cell roared.
"It's all over. It's my fault your in no condition to fight, forgive me Gohan." Vegeta said.
I smiled at Vegeta.
"It's okay Vegeta." I replied.
Vegeta got up and walked over to me.
He held my hand tightly and said,"You know I love you, right?"
"Of course I do."
I looked back at Cell, he was roaring as he charged up the blast.
"Damnit!" Piccolo yelled and punched the ground.
"We failed." Tien said.
Yamcha patted his shoulder.
"At least we failed together. Let's kiss one last time." Yamcha said as he leaned forward to kiss Tien.
Tien shoved him away and yelled,"What the hell! We've never kissed before, we're not dating!! You weirdo!"
Yamcha laughed as he scratched the back of his head.
I chuckled.
My eyes widened.
"Dad?" I asked as I looked around.
I'm not with you son, I'm in Otherworld. King Kai is helping me talk to you through your mind. Listen Gohan, you have to counter Cell's attack with one of your own.
"What? But look at him, he's too strong for me." I replied.
Babe. I heard what Cell said about you being pregnant, I'm happy for you. But if you wanna raise that child then you have to beat Cell right now! Give it all you got and defeat him, even with just one good arm.
I clenched my right fist and nodded. I pulled my hand away from Vegeta's.
"What are you doing?" Vegeta asked.
"What I should've done." I replied.
I focused my energy into my right hand and started saying,"KA..."
Cell smirked as he saw me charging up a blast as well.
Lightning bolts were swirling around Cell and I.
Vegeta flew out of the way.
"Accept your planets fate!" Cell screamed.
"HA!!!" Cell roared as he blasted.
I shut my eyes and then I breathed out.
I opened my eyes and yelled,"HAA!!!!!!"
As I blasted, I felt Dad's presence right next to me.
My blast collided into Cell's!!!
As they collided, they made the ground start shaking.
My feet started sliding back as the force of Cell's blast pushed me. I growled as I struggled against Cell's blast.
You can do it Gohan!
I roared and put more energy into my blast.
"You won't win against me Gohan!! I am still holding back, this is my full power!!!" Cell said and then he roared as his blast doubled in size!!!
I fell on my knees as I was pushed back roughly!
Gohan! I know you still have more energy to put in, you're holding back so that you won't destroy the Earth. It's okay Gohan, we can fix any damage with the Dragonballs. Just let all your energy out!
I growled as I struggled to get back on my feet.
Release it Gohan, just release it all! Think about all the people he's hurt, all the damage he's done!
"Your dead!!!!" Cell laughed as his blast pushed mine farther and farther away.
Suddenly a small blast hit Cell in the face!
Cell was startled and the surprise messed him up. I looked up and saw it was Vegeta who blasted at him.
"Vegeta?" Cell said.
My eyes widened and then I roared as I let all my energy out!!!

NOW GOHAN!!!My eyes widened and then I roared as I let all my energy out!!!

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My blast tripled in size, pushing Cell's blast back with ease.
I watched as my blast got closer to Cell.
Cell panicked and roared as he blasted more energy.
I shouted as I blasted even more!!!!

Cell's eyes widened, then he screamed when my blast pushed past his blast!"No!! No!!" Cell yelled

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Cell's eyes widened, then he screamed when my blast pushed past his blast!
"No!! No!!" Cell yelled.
My blast then hit Cell!!
Cell screamed loudly!!!
"Noo!!! I was supposed to win—"
Then he was reduced to ash!!
To be continued...

Saiyans ( Gohan x Vegeta DBZ Yaoi Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now