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I woke up on the ground.
My body in pain. Aching all over.
A massive crater in front of me.
I slightly smiled as I realized that I defeated Cell.
"He did it!!" Yamcha cheered.
"Is it really over?" Piccolo asked.
"Yea, it's finally over." Tien replied.
"Man, it's been a few years since I heard that." Yamcha chuckled.
Suddenly I felt strong arms pick me up and hold me bridal style. It's Yamcha.
Yamcha smiled at me.
"You did it Gohan, you beat Cell." He said.
"Woo hoo!" Krillin cheered as he held Android 18.
Tien smiled and grabbed Trunks' body, he slung him over his shoulder.
"Let's go to Dende's." Yamcha said and started flying off.
"W-wait! What about Vegeta—"
"He's fine Gohan, you just rest." Yamcha said warmly.
Vegeta's POV
I watched as Yamcha flew away with Gohan in his arms.
I growled and clenched my fists.
"Need a hand Vegeta?" Piccolo asked.
"Mind your own business." I snapped.
He grinned.
"Still the same." Piccolo chuckled as he flew after the rest of them.
I spit out blood on the ground, then I held my head in my hands.
Kakarot is dead. My meaning to fight is gone. I don't feel the strive I once did to get stronger and to surpass Kakarot.
I clenched my fists and growled,"I'll never fight again."
Gohan's POV
Yamcha walked towards Dende and asked,"Hey Dende can you heal Gohan?"
"Yes of course!" Dende said and placed his hands on me.
Dende started healing me. My wounds closed up, my bones got back together, and my energy came back.
Once Dende healed me, Yamcha placed me down on the ground.
"Thanks for carrying me Yamcha." I said.
"No problem." He replied.
Krillin placed Android 18 on the ground, Tien also placed Trunks on the ground.
Piccolo arrived as well.
Where's Vegeta?
"Can you heal her too?" Krillin asked Dende, pointing at Android 18.
"Yes." Dende said and walked over to her.
"You brought her here!?" Yamcha asked.
"Don't tell me you like her." Tien said.
"You have got to be kidding." Piccolo said.
Dende placed his hands on her then healed her.
As soon as she was healed she sprung up and looked around.
"Where am I!?" She yelled.
"Heh, it's okay. This is Kami's Lookout." Krillin said.
"Cell spat you out, but then Krillin over here protected you." Yamcha said.
Android 18 growled and snapped,"Okay! What, did you think I was going to hold your hand or something!?"
Android 18 flew away.
"That ungrateful bitch! I'll put her in her place Krillin!" Yamcha growled.
Tien started laughing and patted Yamcha's shoulder.
"That was a good joke buddy." Tien said.
Vegeta's still not here. Hm...
I walked towards Piccolo and asked,"Where's Vegeta?"
"I don't know." Piccolo answered.
I sighed and walked to Trunks' corpse, I sat down next to him, rubbing his head.
"Now that we defeated Cell least summon Shenlong." Krillin said.
"Ok. Mr. Popo can you bring the Dragonballs?" Dende asked.
"Yea sure." Mr. Popo said and walked off to get the Dragonballs from inside the lookout.
"So Gohan, what does it feel like to be the strongest person on the planet?" Tien asked.
"I feel kinda cool." I replied and started laughing.
Tien chuckled.
Eventually Mr. Popo came out of the lookout, holding the Dragonballs in his hands. He placed them on the ground and said,"Who wants to summon him?"
"I will." Yamcha said and walked up to the balls.
"Shenlong come forth!" Yamcha yelled.
The Dragonballs glowed and then out shot a green dragon from them. The Eternal Dragon, Shenlong.
"I am the almighty eternal dragon, Shenlong. I will grant you any wish, speak it." He said.
"Bring back everyone that Cell killed back to life!" Yamcha said.
Suddenly I felt several human ki's appear, then I felt someone grab my face.
He pulled my face down to his and we kissed.
"It didn't work, I don't feel Goku's ki." Piccolo said.
"But Trunks is alive." I said once Trunks and I finished our kiss.
"What? Then why isn't Goku alive?" Piccolo asked.
"Hey Shenlong, how come Goku wasn't brought back to life?" Yamcha asked.
"The one known as Son Goku has already died and been resurrected by the Dragonballs, it cannot be done twice. Hurry up and ask  a second wish." Shenlong growled impatiently.
Hey guys, this is Goku!
"What where!?" Krillin said and looked around.
I'm in Otherworld. I don't want you guys to resurrect me. It may hurt Gohan and Chichi, but I don't want to. I was talking to Bulma a few days ago about all the bad things that have happened to us. It made me realize that I am a magnet to bad guys. I wasn't planning on dying, but I did. Hey Gohan, I'm sorry, but it's the right thing to do.
I wiped my eyes as they got wet.
"O-okay." I said.
Trunks hugged me.
"It's okay baby." Trunks said.
I'll miss you guys. Well, this is goodbye.
Bye guys!!!
Then it was silent.
"Goku..." Krillin said sadly.
"Ahem. Do you guys still want a second wish or...." Shenlong asked.
"Hmm. Hey guys, can I ask Shenlong for a necklace that I can give to my girlfriend?" Yamcha asked us.
"Don't be ridiculous, Shenlong is for important things. Not something like that." Piccolo growled.
Yamcha fainted.
"Hey Shenlong!" Krillin yelled.
"What is it?" He asked.
"Can you make Android 17 and 18 humans again?" Krillin asked.
"No I cannot. Their power is far greater than mine, so it is out of my power to do so." Shenlong replied.
"Damn." Krillin said.
"Krillin do you like her?" I asked.
Krillin blushed.
Then he smiled.
"I got the perfect wish! Hey Shenlong, can you take out the bomb inside of the two Androids?" Krillin asked.
"Yes, it is done." Shenlong said.
Then Shenlong started glowing and said,"Fare the well, Mortals."
Shenlong disappeared and the Dragonballs flew in separate directions.
"Why'd you do that!?" A female voice yelled.
We turned around and saw it was Android 18.
"Why'd you come back here?" Yamcha growled.
"Was I talking to you?" She said obnoxiously to Yamcha.
Yamcha fainted.
"Hey baldy! Did you hear me!?" Android 18 asked.
"Well, I just thought that Android 17 and you were a better couple. So I did it so that you two could be together." Krillin explained.
"Are you stupid!? 17 was my twin bother!" Android 18 growled.
"Oh uh..." Krillin stuttered.
Yamcha fainted.
She then crossed her arms and said to Krillin,"See ya later."
Then she flew away.
Krillin laughed and said,"I'M GETTING LAID TONIGHT!!!!"
To be continued...

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