The Next Day...

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I woke up to the sound of Vegeta's voice.
I sat up and looked around.
I hear him, but I can't see him.
I got up from bed and walked out of the room. I then spotted Vegeta sitting on the couch, his hand in his hair, as he talked on the phone.
"What do you mean?" Vegeta asked frustrated.
A pause as he listened to whoever that was.
"I don't have that kind of money. How am I supposed to pay that every month!?"
"My problem!? He's your son too, your the richest person on the planet, why do I have to do that!?"
"I don't care what the court said, the court can go die for all I care. I am not paying any child support money, your the one who divorced me anyways."
"Listen you damn bitch—"
Vegeta suddenly noticed me and said,"I'll call you back later."
He hung up and smiled at me as he got up from the couch.
"Good morning babe!" Vegeta smiled as he kissed my forehead.
"Morning." I hummed as I kissed his cheek.
Vegeta asked,"You hungry?"
"Not really. I should be getting home, Mom might get worried. I didn't tell her that I would be spending the night, and you know how my mom gets." I replied.
"Alright. Want me to walk you home?" Vegeta asked.
"It's okay. I can get home myself, thanks anyways though."
"Kay. Oh, give me your phone number." Vegeta said.
"Why?" I asked.
"So that you can send me nudes."
I blushed.
"The only phone we have is a house phone. So I can't send nudes." I said.
"Dammit. Well, give your number anyways." Vegeta replied.
I wrote it down on a sheet of paper and handed it to Vegeta.
Vegeta pulled out his phone and saved the number.
Vegeta flashed his white smile at me and said,"All done."
"Cool. Well, I'll see you some other time Veggie."
I started walking towards the door until Vegeta asked,"Gohan, are you gonna leave with just my shirt and your underwear."
I looked down and remembered I left my clothes in his room. I lightly blushed as I went to retrieve my clothes.
I landed outside my house.
I wiped sweat from my forehead as I walked inside.
Mom was sleeping on the couch.
I smiled and then I walked into my room.
I shut the door behind me and sighed.
I grabbed a book, the title is: Eragon.
I opened the book and started reading it.
I woke up with my book on top of my face.
I looked at my window, seeing the moon up. How long did I sleep for.
I heard the phone ringing.
I walked into the living room and answered the phone.
Noticing that Mom wasn't on the couch anymore, where is she?
"Hey Babe it's me Vegeta."
I smiled.
"Hi Vegeta."
"Wanna come over to my apartment again?" He asked.
"I can't, my Mom would kill me if I spent a third night not in the house." I answered.
"Please babe."
"I can't."
"I got a present for you." Vegeta said seductively.
I blushed and replied,"I'll be right there."
I hung up and noticed a yellow paper on the fridge. I walked over to it.
It's a note from Mom.
I went out with some old friends of mine. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon. There's some leftover pizza in the fridge if you get hungry.
Love you sweetie!
I smiled widely.
Mom won't know that I'll be at Vegeta's house again! Yes!!!
I flew through the sky as fast as I could.
My heart pounded in my chest as I thought about all the kinky things we'll do together.
I saw the city coming into view.
I flew past Capsule Corp, past Hercule's house, and soon I felt Vegeta's ki.
I landed outside the apartment complex.
I then noticed a fancy looking car. Wait isn't isn't the only one in the world with that type of car.
Then I started walking up the stairs to his apartment floor.
I then ran into a lady who was holding papers.
"I am so sorry mam." I apologized as I bent down to help her pick her papers up.
"It's okay." She replied.
I handed her the papers and she scurried down the stairs.
Wait a minute. She looked oddly familiar. Hmm...whatever.
I then reached the door to Vegeta's apartment.
The door was already open???
I walked in quietly and closed the door after myself.
I walked around the apartment.
Then I heard the bed in Vegeta's room creaking.
I furrowed my brow as I walked down the hallway.
Then my eyes widened and I covered my mouth.
My heart shattered.
There in bed, Vegeta was making love to Bulma.
To be continued...

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