Goku vs Majin Vegeta

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Vegeta's POV
I cackled as I stared at Kakarot. He just glared at me.
It was just the two of us in this barren wasteland, for some reason this wasteland felt oddly familiar.
"Well, I don't wanna give Majin Buu any energy so I'm gonna finish this quick." Kakarot said and then he grunted as he ascended past the Super Saiyan limit.
I chuckled.
"Wow, even stronger than Gohan was back when Cell was still around." I complimented.
Then I clenched my fists and roared as I transformed into the newest Super Saiyan transformation.
Lightning crackled around both of us.
Kakarot looked surprised.
"I didn't know you could do this too." Kakarot said.
"Heh. I have been training."
We both got into fighting stances. Then we lunged at each other!
Gohan's POV
Supreme Kai and I landed in the new room. There about twelve soldiers in here, all with that M on them. I quickly knocked them out and then Supreme Kai and I went into the final room.
There before us stood Babidi and Dabura. They were standing in front of a giant shell.
"That's Majin Buu's shell." Supreme Kai said as he read my thoughts.
"Hey Supreme Kai, can you stop reading my mind."
"Sure, but you take on Dabura and I'll take on Babidi."
Babidi grinned and laughed,"Majin Buu will be awakened very soon. Even if you two manage to defeat us, Majin Buu will kill you two! Hahahahaha!"
Dabura smirked and stared at me.
"What a weakling you are. I've gotten even stronger in that short time by doing mental training." Dabura said.
"Well if we're gonna fight I'll transport us outside. I don't want to damage the ship." Babidi said and then we were outside.
I growled, but then a loud sound like something spinning rapidly came from the Majin Buu's Shell. Babidi went to look and his eyes widened. He was looking at a meter of energy. The spinning noise was the arrow that shows how full the tank is.
"H-How could Majin Buu have this much power in such a short time!?" Babidi exclaimed.
Of course he got this much energy. Dad and Vegeta are both fighting past normal Super Saiyan limits. They are probably nearly killing each other with every blow!
Babidi laughed and yelled,"Majin Buu will be awakened!"
I transformed into a Super Saiyan and yelled,"Not if I can help it!"
Vegeta's POV
I roared as I rammed my fist into Kakarot's stomach! He coughed up blood, then I spun kicked him as hard as I could.
He went crashing into a mountain, Kakarot roared and flew straight at me! He punched me, then kicked my face, I stumbled back but then Kakarot blasted me in the stomach!
I coughed up blood as I went crashing into a mountain. I growled and got back up, then Kakarot flew towards me again.
I quickly dodged then I flew in the sky, I charged up a blast!
Kakarot did the same.
Then we roared as we blasted at each other, our blasts collided and exploded!
I groaned as I got up, then I spotted Kakarot hanging on a rock. Kakarot pulled himself on top of the rock, he fell on his knees as he tried to catch his breath.
I smirked and started silently to stalk him, once he regained his breath I pounced!
I roared as I slammed him into a mountain! He screamed in pain, then I trapped him by putting ki bars around his limbs.
I chuckled.
I walked up to him and said,"This is your fault, all of this Kakarot."
He growled.
Kakarot struggled against my ki bars.
I chuckled and then I slapped his face.
"It's all your fault because of that first battle we ever had. You beat me, and it hurt. It hurt my pride, and now I must kill you. I must kill you and regain my pride." I said.
Then I punched his stomach repeatedly, he screamed in pain.
Kakarot clenched his fists and roared as he got his limbs free, but they were still connected with the rock.
Kakarot slammed the rocks on me, now he's completely free. I growled and fired multiple blasts at him. Kakarot dodged them and then we both stared at each other.
Both breathing heavily, blood dripping or pouring out of our wounds, bruises, scratches, our clothes shredded.
Yes! This is what a true Saiyan battle should be like! Heh.
We both smirked at the excitement we felt.
"Wow Vegeta. I never knew you could get this strong." Kakarot complemented.
"Heh. I have been training intensely." I replied.
"I know, but I was training as hard as I could in Other World. While you trained even harder, I guess you always were more hard working."
I growled as I thought about my training and the power I currently have.
"When I saw how much stronger those humans were when they were controlled by Babidi's magic, I realized something. If I let him control me I could reach levels of power I could never reach on my own. That's why I have to kill you, for my pride." I explained.
"Wait don't tell me, you actually let Babidi control you!?" Kakarot asked.
"Yes! Now die!" I roared and flung a massive blast at him!!
Gohan's POV
I started charging up my power as I got ready to blast Majin Buu's shell.
"Gohan stop! We must regroup and replan!" Supreme Kai said.
"I'm sorry but I got people I care about," I remembered the Cell Games as the Cell Jr's hurt my friends,"and this time I'm not gonna just sit around and watch!"
"Gohan stop! We need you to defeat Majin Buu, not so that you'll get killed!" Supreme Kai yelled.
I growled and then I roared and fired a giant blast at Majin Buu's shell!!
I roared as I blasted at it, memories of Cell going through my mind. Thinking about Cell made me even angrier!!! I forced my anger into my blast and kept blasting!!!
"Where did he get that power from!?" Babidi yelled.
Dabura looked nervous himself. My energy was depleting as I blasted, but I don't care! I can't let Majin Buu survive or else everyone I care about will die!
"RAUGH!!!" I yelled.
Then I finished blasting, I breathed heavily as I tried to catch my breath. Sweat poured down my face.
The shell was unscathed. Babidi was about to start laughing, but then the shell opened and only smoke came out.
Then Supreme Kai started laughing.
"You did it Gohan! Now we just have to defeat Babidi and Dabura. We can do this Gohan, you just gotta use your anger like your father said. Let's do this Gohan—"
I looked up as I felt a ginormous ki above us.
"I sense a huge ki in the sky." I said.
Vegeta's POV
Kakarot's eyes widened and he looked in direction of that big ki that just appeared.
"Is that Majin Buu?" He asked.
"Focus on me Kakarot!" I yelled and punched his face repeatedly.
Kakarot punched me twice as hard and roared,"Don't you understand what's happening!? Gohan, your own mate, is out there fighting Majin Buu!! He could get hurt or worse!!"
I didn't like the idea of Gohan getting killed—I DONT CARE!!
"I DONT GIVE A DAMN!!!" I roared and lunged at Kakarot.
Gohan's POV
The smoke that came out of the shell started coming together to form a body. Then the body turned pink, clothes formed, and then the body landed in front of me.
"Buu!!!!" He yelled.
He's fat and is wearing some funny looking clothes.
I gulped and Supreme Kai did as well.
Dabura snorted and walked up to Majin Buu. He poked him and said,"This is the legendary Majin Buu? What a j—"
Buu then poked Dabura's eyes and punched him hard in the stomach!! Sending Dabura crashing through mountains, and Dabura did not come back. I can't even sense his ki. Buu was able to defeat Dabura with one punch!? That means he could beat me that easily as well if he wanted to.
Buu laughed and then he turned to Babidi.
"Can I kill you too?" Buu asked him.
"N-no! I am Bobidi's son, your creator. So we are essentially brothers. But you listen to me because I know the spell to seal you again. And you don't want that to happen, do you?" Babidi asked.
"No! Buu will listen to Babidi." Buu bowed.
"Alright, then kill those two over there." Babidi commanded.
Buu turned to Supreme Kai and I. I growled and then I lunged at Buu, Buu punched my face then kicked my stomach!
I fell down and gasped as I tried to regain my breath, he knocked the air out of me! I got up as soon as I recovered and saw Buu start punching the Supreme Kai!!
"Dammit! Why can't I get angry!?" I growled in frustration and lunged at Buu again.
I punched his back repeatedly, but it didn't seem to faze him. Buu tossed the Supreme Kai away and turned his attention to me.
He punched me repeatedly!! I coughed up blood with each punch, then he blasted me away!!! I then lost conscious as I landed in a forest several miles away from Buu.
Vegeta's POV
My eyes widened.
Gohan's ki disappeared! I felt my heart feel empty. Is Gohan dead? Kakarot noticed it too.
"See! Your mate and my son is now gone because of you!!" Kakarot yelled at me.
I looked down silently and then I said,"Kakarot, let's fight together to defeat Majin Buu."
He smiled and said,"See, I knew you would do it!"
He started to pull out the Senzu Beans, but then I quickly knocked him out. Kakarot fell forward and passed out.
I ate the last Senzu Bean, feeling my wounds heal and my energy replenish. I clenched my fists, I'm even stronger than before.
I then started flying to Babidi's spaceship.
To be continued...

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