Strawberries 🍓

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When I woke up I groaned when I realized it's Monday.
I looked over at the other side of the bed and saw Vegeta wasn't here. Where did my Veggie go? I doubt he's cooking again.
I stumbled over to Trunks Jr's room and woke him up. After that I went into the restroom to get ready.
Soon I was dressed back into my school uniform.
I moaned in pain as I felt a big bruise on my shoulder. Goten hit me too hard. I started making strawberry smoothies.
Once I had made three I set them on the table.
Trunks Jr was up and ready for school. He grabbed his smoothie and ran towards the door.
"Bye daddy!" Trunks Jr said as he left.
Now I'm alone.
I checked the time.
7:48 AM
I yawned and grabbed the strawberries from my smoothie as I ate them.
As I ate them there was a knock at the door. I kept the strawberry in my mouth as walked over to the door. I opened it and there stood Vegeta. He gave me a strange look.
Then he leaned forward and ate the strawberry I had in my mouth. I blushed and then Vegeta walked in.
"Thanks for the strawberry." Vegeta grinned at me.
"There another smoothie for you on the table." I said to him.
"Thanks babe."
Vegeta then walked back over to me and removed my shirt and pants. Leaving me in my boxers. Vegeta then spilled the smoothie all over me.
He pinned me down and started licking my body clean. I shut my eyes and blushed as I squealed as his tongue licked the smoothie off of me.
Vegeta chuckled at me and continued licking me. I giggled when he started licking my belly button. Vegeta chuckled and soon he licked me clean.
Vegeta dragged his tongue up my chest and then down to my boxers. He teased me by poking my tip. I growled as he kept teasing me.
Vegeta then pulled my boxers down to my ankles, but then he pulled them back up.
I was blushing like crazy. My erection was throbbing, Vegeta laughed and helped me up.
"Now go wash your body off." Vegeta said as he patted my back.
I growled at him as I walked into the restroom again.
I was jogging to school.
I'm about to be late!
I was holding my homework papers in my hands.
I hopped over cars and through people.
I then ran through the school's front doors. As I ran to my classroom. But suddenly someone smacked the papers I had in my hands onto the ground.
Someone else shoved me, while another took my satchel.
People around me started laughing at me and pointing.
"What's so funny?" I asked.
"We know your secret." One of the guys laughed.
Did Videl tell!?
"I don't know what your talking about." I said as I picked up my papers and found my satchel on the ground too.
But then someone picked up my satchel. Sharpner.
"Hey guys, what's going on?" Sharpner asked.
"Oh uh, Sharpner. We were just making fun of Gohan for being gay." A guy said.
Sharpner looked at me and chuckled.
"Oh yeah. I told everyone about your boyfriend." Sharpner laughed as he tossed my satchel on the ground.
Then he stomped his foot on it.
People started throwing stuff at me. I looked down at the floor as I picked up my stuff.
Sharpner walked up to me and pushed me against the wall.
"Hey fag. Tell your boyfriend he should change his hairstyle, he looks like some retarded troll." Sharpner said.
"I'm gonna break you, like a KitKat bar." I growled as I pushed Sharpner off of me.
He growled and swung his fist at me. I dodged it with ease and then I punched him in the face. Sharpner went sliding down the hallway.
I pulled my satchel back on and walked to my class. People were calling me names.
As I walked into the classroom I started walking to my seat when Erasa stopped me.
"Sorry Gohan, but I can't be seen with you." She whispered.
I sighed and found an empty seat at the back.
I sat in it and covered my face with my arms as I cried.
When I got home I went straight to Vegeta and hugged him.
I left school four hours early. I just couldn't take it anymore.
I cried in his chest.
Vegeta looked surprised and hugged me back.
"What's wrong baby?" He asked with a soft voice.
"People started calling me names and were being bullies to me." I sobbed.
"They did what!?" Vegeta roared.
"They told me to kill myself, to go to Hell and just because I'm gay." I said through sobs.
Vegeta was getting angry. His ki was rising as veins started throbbing all over his forehead.
"No one talks that way to my babe." Vegeta growled as he stormed out of the apartment.
"Where are you going?" I asked as I wiped my tears.
"I'm going to that damn school!" Vegeta roared.
I went after him.
Vegeta was flying towards Orange Star High. I flew after him and followed him as he walked right into the office.
The principal was currently in a meeting.
"Um excuse me sir. I am in the midd—"
"Shut your damn mouth." Vegeta growled.
"Security!!" The principal called.
Three men came in to get Vegeta. But Vegeta stared at them and they all fell unconscious.
"I have a complaint about this school." Vegeta said as he slammed his hand on the meeting table.
The table broke in half. The principal looked terrified.
"I want you to punish every student in this hellhole. They were calling Gohan names for being gay! Understand!?" Vegeta roared.
The principal nodded as he sweated.
Vegeta grabbed me and we left.
As we flew home I kissed Vegeta's cheek.
"Your my hero."
To be continued...

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