Babidi and Dabura

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Gohan's POV
I woke up on the arena floor.
Kibito was standing over me.
I stood up confused.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Come with me and I'll explain everything to you." Kibito said as he flew into the sky.
I looked back and saw Dad, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Krillin were all gone. I then flew after Kibito.
As we flew together I heard someone flying after us, I turned my head and saw Videl.
"Hold on Kibito." I said and flew backwards to Videl.
When we were side by side I asked,"What are you doing?"
"I'm coming with you, I don't want anything bad to happen to you." Videl answered.
She was struggling to keep up and keep her eyes open.
"Videl you have to go back, you'll get hurt or killed." I said.
"That could happen to you too, that's why I'm coming."
"Videl, if you truly love me you'll go back."
Videl stayed quiet and then she bit her lip as she fought back tears.
"You promise you'll come back, right?"
"I promise."
Videl kissed my cheek and then she stopped flying. I waved goodbye to her and caught up with Kibito.
"Alright, let's catch up to Dad." I said.
Kibito nodded and we both started flying faster.
"So Kibito, I wanna know what we're gonna be up against." I said.
"We will be battling the evil warlock, Babidi. He has found the slumbering Majin Buu, his father's, Bobidi, creation. Bobidi had used Majin Buu to attack the Kai's and kill them. He was almost successful too, Majin Buu had killed every Kai except for the Supreme Kai, you may also know him as Shin. The Supreme Kai was able to kill Bobidi and seal away Majin Buu, sending him into a deep slumber. But now Bobidi's son has found Majin Buu and will awaken him. We can't allow him to or else the universe will be destroyed." Kibito explained.
That was a lot of information.
"Is he strong?" I asked.
"Not physically, but he has powerful magic."
"What about Majin Buu?"
"He's even stronger than you were at the tournament."
My eyes widened.
That strong!?
Soon I saw Dad and the others, Shin was with them too. I guess I should be calling him Supreme Kai now, instead of Shin.
"Hey Dad!" I waved,
As soon as Vegeta's eyes landed on me, he flew straight at me and hugged me tightly.
Everyone else stopped flying and waited, Vegeta growled and yelled at them,"YOU CAN KEEP GOING! DIDNT KNOW WE NEEDED A DAMN CROWD!!!"
Everybody chuckled and continued flying. Once they were gone, Vegeta looked me over and asked with a concerned face,"Are you alright?"
I lightly blushed and replied with a sheepishly chuckle,"Of course I am, Kibito healed me and replenished my energy."
"He touched your body?" Vegeta's eye twitched.
"Ah! V-Vegeta, he had to do that he coulda healed me."
Vegeta held my chin with his thumb and then he brought my face close, connecting our lips. I blushed heavily as his tongue entered my mouth and attacked mine.
Vegeta's hands traveled down my body and squeezed my butt. I gasped.
Then Vegeta pulled and led me down to a small island. He pushed down onto the ground and continued kissing me.
Vegeta and I soon caught up with everybody else again. I was still trying to get my boots back on as we flew. My butt was still a bit sore.
"What took you guys so long?" Krillin chuckled.
I blushed.
"Mind your own damn business." Vegeta growled at him.
Krillin nearly passed out.
Dad flew over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders as we continued flying. He nuzzled his face into my neck, making me blush.
I looked over at Vegeta and saw him getting angry.
"D-Dad, I'm with Vegeta. You got Mom." I said.
Dad chuckled and rubbed his nose against mine.
"I know, I know, I'm just teasing ya." He replied.
"Alright Kakarot! You can get off of him now!" Vegeta yelled as he pulled me away from Dad.
Vegeta bared his teeth at Dad, Dad stuck his tongue out.
"How old are you two?" Piccolo asked with a sigh.
"Shut your damn mouth!" Vegeta roared at him with fire in his eyes.
Piccolo rolled his eyes.
"It's all fun in game—"
Dad was cut off once we felt nearby energies.
"Everybody, that is Babidi's spaceship down there. Let's hide behind these rocks." Supreme Kai said and led us down to a mountain where we could hide.
We peeked over the rocks edges to see what was happening.
Spopovich and Yamu arrived at a small little pod on the ground.
"If that's there spaceship how were we not able to find it?" Kibito asked confused.
"Look at the ground around it, it looks like it was dug around there." Dad mentioned.
"They must've been hiding their spaceship underground this whole time!" Supreme Kai growled.
The door slid open and out came three figures.
A tall red man with blue clothes, a short ugly looking thing, and a black and white alien with a long head. Both the tall red man and white and black alien had a M on their foreheads, just like Yamu and Spopovich.
"Damn! I was not expecting Babidi to have Dabura under his control too!" Supreme Kai growled.
"Is Dabura the red guy?" Krillin asked.
"Yes. He is the Demon King, the most powerful demon in all of creation."
Yamu smiled and said,"Master Babidi, we have brought you all the energy."
Spopovich also smiled and handed Babidi the machine they used to stab me! I growled.
Babidi took the machine and looked surprised,"Its full."
"Yes sir, we found a guy with a tremendous amount of energy." Yamu explained.
"Great. Well, I have no use for you two anymore." Babidi said.
"We will be on our way now sir." Yamu bowed and so did Spopovich.
"Actually I have other plans." Babidi sneered and stuck out his hand towards Spopovich.
Spopovich started screaming and held his head, then in a matter of seconds he swelled up into a giant ball.
Yamu watched in shock and fear. Then Spopovich exploded!! His blood and insides flew everywhere! Yamu stared at Babidi and screamed as he flew away.
"Master Babidi may I take care of Yamu?" The white and black alien asked.
"Of course Pui Pui." Babidi replied.
Pui Pui grinned and shot a blast after Yamu.
Yamu screamed as he was killed.
We looked back down and then Babidi said something to Dabura. I couldn't hear what he said though. Dabura smirked and nodded.
Babidi said something to Pui Pui and then those two went back inside the spaceship.
Suddenly Dabura sprang at us!!!
"THEY KNOW WERE HERE!" Vegeta yelled.
Dabura laughed and stuck his hand out, his palm against Kibito's face! Then Dabura blasted Kibito to ashes!!!
"KIBITO!" Supreme Kai yelled.
Piccolo roared and lunged at Dabura! Dabura chuckled and spat on Piccolo, then he also spat on Krillin.
"Yuck!" Krillin gaged but then he started getting scared as the spit started growing on him!
"Dabura's spit turns anything it touches into stone!" Supreme Kai explained.
"Piccolo! Krillin!!" I yelled.
The two were turned into stone. Dabura laughed, but then Vegeta flew at him.
Vegeta threw punches at him, Dabura blocked them all and kicked Vegeta back down. Dad also lunged at Dabura, he threw his fist at Dabura's face! Dabura dodged and punched Dad down!
"The only way to turn your friends back to normal is by killing me!" Dabura laughed and flew inside of the ship.
"Don't go! It's just a trap to get you to go inside the ship. They just want to take your energy so that they can awaken Majin Buu." Supreme Kai explained.
"Imbecile. Don't you think we know that, this kind of thing is fun for us." Vegeta growled at Supreme Kai.
"Yeah I'm getting kind of excited." Dad said.
"Me too." I shyly added.
"Saiyans are a strange species." Supreme Kai said.
"Let's go." Vegeta said to us and flew towards the ship.
Dad and I followed, with Supreme Kai hesitant to go with us. Once we were in, we saw a doorway in the floor. So I guess it would be called a, floorway.
"Gohan please stop with these jokes." Supreme Kai said.
"I said that joke in my mind. How—"
"I can read minds."
"Oh, that's cool."
We all went through the, floorway, and landed in another room.
Once we were in the room, a door slid open and out came that black and white alien. His name is Pui Pui.
"Heh. If you want to get to Babidi you got to get through me first." Pui Pui smirked.
To be continued...

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