chapter 1

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                            I was unpacking my bags when my mom called." Coming mom",I yelled back. I dropped my last tank top on the bed and went downstairs. "You called",I said walking into the kitchen. My mom nodded and put a plate of cookies in my hand.

                         I looked at her confused." What's the cookies for",I asked." Its for the neighbor so he won't cause trouble with us I heard about him by the gay couple to the side of his house",my mother said." What did you hear",I asked. My mother just gave me a look I seen that look before. It was the look that says I will kill you if think of doing this look.

                            "He is like you but worse",my mother said. I scoffed and she glared at me." What",I said." Why you scoff brat",my mother said laughing. I giggled and ran to the door." don't stay for long I don't want you to be bad again "my mother yelled.

                       I yelled back yes and walked up to the door. I knocked and waited for an answer. The door opened up to a tall but buff sliver hair guy. He had blue tips and wore a grey shirt with blue jeans." How can I help you cutie",the guy said.

                           I can't lie he looks really good. He also has a very deep voice." Oh I just moved with my family to the house to the right to you and my mom wanted me to give you this",I said. He smiled and grabbed the plate from me." Why don't you come in",he said.

                           I nodded and walked in with him. He lead me to the kitchen and put the plate down." So tell me your name",he said leaning on the counter and facing me." I'm Tatiana and you",I asked." I'm hoseok but you can call me wonho",wonho said.

                         "So wonho were are your parents",I asked him. "I live alone my parents don't like how I am so I moved out",wonho said. I nodded and looked around. His house was clean and you could even tell how he was by the details." So do you really cause trouble",I asked turning back to him.

                          Wonho chuckled and walked up to me. His face was really close to mines. I gulped cause his full pink lips was near mines." Who told you",wonho asked looking at my lips." The gay couple to the left of you told my mom",I said.

                           "Well your mom is right I do cause trouble",wonho said putting his arms on the table that was behind me." Wow cool",I said looking into his eyes. Wonho smirked and looked into my eyes." You look like you cause trouble too",wonho said never taking his eyes of me." I use to but my mom and me moved here to let me have a fresh new start", I said hitting my lip at him.

my neighbor is a badass and i love himDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora