Chapter 32

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"You guys look like y'all are in shock why",luhan asked with a smirk. I couldn't help but to look at luhan with a glare. "I want to fucking kill you so bad right now",Chanyeol gritted out. "I couldn't have agreed more with you Chan",I said looking at the two assholes in front of us. Sehun had the same evil ass smirk that luhan had on his face. "Why the fuck is here and why did you want to talk to us about",Chanyeol said. I looked at the boys with one of my eyebrow raised. "Sehun why don't you tell your older brother and ex best friend everything",luhan said. Sehun let out a sigh and looked at us. "I told luhan to get y'all because I personally want to kill y'all",Sehun said with his natural blank face. "So your telling me you brought us here for that really",I said pissed off. That was a really stupid reason to bring us to the hotel room. "Sehun your stupid I can't believe I'm fucking related to you in a way",Chanyeol said. I held back a laugh when Chanyeol said that. But to Sehun it wasn't funny. "I'm not the stupid one you are because you followed him",Sehun said. He had a point but if he wanted to kill us he should have came to us his own damn self. But he decided to be a bitch and have luhan bring us to him. While Chanyeol and sehun was arguing now I carefully brought out a knife I had just in case they try something. Chanyeol looked at my knife from the side of his eye and smirked. "If your going to kill us can you do it already I'm kind of getting inpatient right now",I said. Sehun smirked and brought a knife that was smaller then mines. Sehun being an idiot decided to come near me first. But before he can bring is knife anywhere near me I swung mines and cut his cheek. I then grabbed his hand and flipped him over to his back. Chanyeol had punched luhan and did the same. "Y'all really think we are weak don't y'all",Chanyeol said. "We're not so good luck because next time y'all won't live to say that we're not weak",I said. Luhan gulped really loudly while Sehun just looked at me. "Now we are going to get up and y'all not going to do anything to us and we are going to leave with no harm and you two would never show y'all faces to us again unless you want to die got it",Chanyeol said. The two boys nodded and we got up. Me and Chanyeol left that hotel without even looking back. "High five you were awesome",Chanyeol said when we entered the car that we left near the club. While we were driving back to the house I couldn't help think about what luhan said. What could Chanyeol be hiding from me that he doesn't want me to find out. I will ask him but I'm pretty sure he won't say anything. With a sigh and kind of happy that I know how to fight I'm glad that we made it out with no harm. Arriving at the house I unbuckled the seat belt and got out of the car. Walking in no one was home which is kind of sad. "I need a blunt right now",Chanyeol said while he rolled up. I chuckled at him and took off my heels. "Chan I have to ask you something",I said. "What is it",Chanyeol said as blow smoke out from his mouth. He handed me the blunt and I took a quick puff. "What was luhan talking about when he said he wouldn't want me seeing a side of you that would make me not want to hang out with you",I asked as I gave him the blunt again. Taking a big puff from the blunt Chanyeol looked at me a little bit worried. "Come on Chan you know you can tell me anything right",I said taking another puff from the blunt. With a sigh Chanyeol leaned on the kitchen bar. "Well it happened when Sehun got adopted",Chanyeol said. "You always know that my father wasn't a very good father and never really cared about how I felt",he said. I nodded at him and waited for him to continue.

~I didn't post yesterday because i was to heart broken to say anything I just want to say is I love you jonghyun oppa. I know what you was going through was so hard because I go through it everyday. Hearing your voice or even your laugh made me feel so much better. But now that your gone I don't know what I will do. All I know is I won't ever forget you and you did an awesome job as an idol. Rest in piece oppa. You did well

 You did well

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