Chapter 19

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                              I been so happy with Hanbin. I'm actually happy that wonho messed up. Me and Hanbin been dating for a week now and every day it gets better and better. Right now we on the couch watching sponge bob while my mom is cooking tacos." Tatiana come here real quick", my mom called.

                                   I sighed and got up. I walked into the kitchen and leaned on the counter." You called mom",I said. My mom turned and handed me a list. I looked at the list then back at my mom.

                                    "Take Hanbin with you", my mom said. I nodded and walked back to the living room." Babe lets go we have to pick some stuff up for my mom",I said. Hanbin got up and turned off the tv. We decided to walk so we can get some fresh air.

                                     While walking I spotted my old friend Lisa." Lisa is that you", I said. Lisa turned from the way she was facing and ran to me. I let go of hanbins hand and ran to her. We gave each other a big hug and pulled away." Oh my god Tatiana it's really you long time no see", Lisa said.

                                  "It really has been along time hasn't it",I said. Me Lisa giggled I then turned to Hanbin." Oh Lisa this is my boyfriend Hanbin",I said grabbing hanbins hand." Hi I'm Lisa I'm Tatiana best friend",Lisa said." I'm Hanbin",Hanbin said.

                                   Lisa an Hanbin shook hands. Me and lisa talked for awhile. I even got her number to text her. Once Lisa had left me and hanbin continued are walked to the store. We got what my mom needed and went back home.

                              When we got back in the house my mom turned to me and Hanbin." Hanbin have you talked to your mom since you got here", my mom asked." No I haven't had a chance to why",Hanbin said worried. My mom just looked down." Mom what's going on is everything ok",I asked scared alittle.

                            "Hanbin your mom got in a really bad accident",my mom said finally looking up at us. I gasped and looked at Hanbin. He looked down and shocked." I-i-Is she going to be ok",Hanbin asked. My walked up to Hanbin and pulled him into a hug.

                                  "She is in a coma right now so they don't know it's up to her",my mom said. I could tell Hanbin was now crying. His shoulders was moving up and down." I think you should go to the hospital and go see her",my mom said. Hanbin nodded and pulled away.

                           "I can help you pack some stuff",I told Hanbin. He nodded and I grabbed his hand. We walked upstairs to his room and pulled out a book bag. He packed all his cloths and sat on the bed." Please tell me you are coming with me",Hanbin said looking at me. I sighed and sat down next to him.

                                  "Hanbin I would love to but I think you need alone time with your mom",I said grabbing his hand. Hanbin looked at me and sighed." But I don't want to leave you here",he said putting his forehead on mines." I don't want to be in your way",I said." You would never be in my way and besides I need someone to be with me I don't want to break down and be alone",Hanbin said looking into my eyes.

                              "Fine I will go with you",I said. Hanbin said a quiet yay and gave me a peck on the lips. I then got up and went to my room with a quiet Hanbin following me. I packed cloths for the two months we going to be there for.

                                While I was putting hair products in my bag Hanbin came behind me. He wrapped his hands around my waist and placed his head on my shoulders." Are you done babe",Hanbin said. I nodded and turned in his arms.

                                 I moved his bangs out of his eyes and looked at him." Are you sure I won't be in the way if I go",I asked." No you won't I want you to come",Hanbin said. I nodded and grabbed my bag. We went downstairs and my mom handed Hanbin his car keys.

                                We said are good byes and then went to the car. We put are bags in the back seat and then got in. Hanbin started the car and headed to the highway. I just sat there listening to the music and looking out the window. I couldn't help to think what his mom would think about me when she wakes up to see her son and his girlfriend there in her room. I hope she likes me.

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