Chapter 24

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                                                                           I guess I had fell asleep from all the crying. When I woke up I was on a bed. I sat up and rubbed my red puffy eyes. " Well I'm glad your up", Jooheon said. I looked at him and hugged him. He chuckled and hugged me back. " I missed you so much Jooheon oppa", I said in his shoulder. " I miss you too Tatiana", He said. We pulled away from the hug and he wiped my face from dried tears. " I love spending time with you but someone has to see you", Jooheon said. I nodded and we got up. We walked downstairs and saw everyone around something or more like someone. They all moved away from the person once they seen me. I looked up to see that it was Wonho. He looked at me with shock. He never really did see me look like a mess. He then got up and we ran to each other. I jumped in his arms as he swung us around in circles. I smiled and looked at him when he stopped. I seen the smile I been secretly waiting for to see. " You don't know how much I missed you and wished I didn't fucked up", Wonho said putting his forehead on mines. " I missed you too Wonho", I said with a smile on my face. Wonho then connected our lips. The boys were cheering for us. I couldn't help but laugh so I had to pull away. " Thanks Jinhawn for bringing her to me what can I do for you so you can I know that I'm grateful", Wonho said as he held me in his arms. " You can let me join your gang ",Jinhawn said. Wonho chuckled and nodded. " We can use a guy like you so sure", Wonho said. " Thanks oppa I really appreciate it ", I said to jinhawn. " No problem Tatiana I told you when Hanbin brought you to the house that I liked you", Jinhawn said. I smiled and put my head in Wonho's neck. " Someone has to tell her mom that she is back home but say she is staying at a friends house", Wonho said moving some hair away from my face. " I can tell her mom since her mom does know me", Jinhawn said. " I can tell  her mom that she is with her friend Lisa", Kihyun said. " I can text Lisa and tell her that if my mom ever text her asking where I am at that if she can please tell her that I'm with her", I said. " You guys can do that why me and Tatiana go freshen up because we look a mess", Wonho said. Everyone chuckled and nodded. The boys who had plans then went to go what they had to do. I texted Lisa and told her if my mom was to ever ask her where I'm at to tell her that I'm at her place. Lisa agreed to do that as long as I actually go over later. I told her that I would as long as I can bring Wonho. She told me it was ok because our old friend jungkook would be over too. I then stopped texting Lisa and walked to Wonho who was picking out cloths for me and him. He wanted to match with me but he doesn't have a jacket to go with the outfit like how I do. " Wonho you don't have to wear jacket to match with me", I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist. " I know but I want wear a jacket with you", he said turning in my arms to face me. I smiled at him and shook my head. " How about I don't wear the jacket with the outfit", I said. " That's fine with me as long as you get to be my official girlfriend", Wonho said with a smirk.

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