chapter 2

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                            Wonho was just starring at me. I couldn't help but to stare back." Well what made you decide to change",wonho said moving in closer. I smirked and put my hands on his buff chest." Cause I got arrested to many times and my mom threatened me",I said.

                              Wonho smirked and wrapped his hand around my waist. I bite my lip and put my hands on his shoulder." I want to see the bad side of you",wonho said. I smirked and connected our lips. Our lips were moving in sync and it felt so good. I know my mom would have a flip but I couldn't stop.

                              After a while of us kissing we pulled away." Mmm I think I need to see you more then just today princess",wonho said. I smiled and nodded. Right when I was about to pull in for another kiss my phone started to ring. I looked at the caller Id and saw that it was my mom.

                             "Hello",I answered."what is taking you so long I told you to just drop of the cookies and thats all",my mother scolded me. I sighed and told her I'm on my way. I hung up and looked at wonho." My mom wants me home so I had to go my bad boy",I said.

                             Wonho chuckled and grabbed my phone. I unlocked it for him. He put his number in and handed it back to me." Call me my cute princess",wonho said giving me a peck on the lips. I nodded and he walked me to the door. I looked to see if my mom was watching.

                            When I seen that she wasn't I pulled wonho into an other kiss. This time this kiss had tongue. The way he sucked on my tongue before we pulled away made me moan. He smirked and I turned to walk home. His hand slapped my ass and I jumped a little.

                           I turned to see him smirking at me. I just shook my head at him and walked to my house. When I got into the house my mom glared at me." Why are your lips swollen",my mother asked with one eyebrow raised. I shrugged and walked upstairs to my Room.

                            I couldn't help but to think about how soft wonho lips are. I decide since it wasn't so late that I should go to the park. So I changed into some basketball shorts and a crop top. I walked downstairs grabbed my keys and my basketball. I then walked out the house and starting to walk to the park.

                            The park wasn't so far so I got there pretty fast. When I walked up to the basketball court I saw some boys there. They were smoking and drinking. They looked my age. I decided to just ingore them and just shoots some hoop.

                              I was doing fine until the ball hit the rim. The ball then bounced to the boys and a boy with jet black hair. He picked up my ball and walked to me." Hey is this your ball",the boy said with a deep voice. It was weird cause he looked very young with a deep voice.

                              I nodded and grabbed my ball from him." Oh by the way I'm I.m",I.m said." Tatiana",I said. I.m took out his hand and I shook his hand." I.m stop flirting with the girl and come back",someone shouted. I.m turned to the boys and then turned back to me.

                               "Come going us you look like the type to smoke",I.m said. I chuckled and walked with him to his crew. When we walked up to the crew everyone started to stare at me." Hey I'm tatiana",I said getting really nervous. A guy who looked so buff and scary stood up.

                              "Hey I'm shownu the leader of this crew",shownu said. I smiled and shook his hand. The other stood up and introduced them self to me. The whole crew wasnt there they said they was missing one more person. The guys who were there was kihyun,shownu,minhyuk,joheon,hyungwon and I.m.

                                 I sat down with them and decided to smoke with them. I haven't smoked weed since I left my old house. I use to smoke to let my stress go away. I laughed with the boys and I was having a good time."hey princess what are you doing here",I heard a familiar voice say.

my neighbor is a badass and i love himWhere stories live. Discover now