Chapter 31

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                                 Chanyeol and me made to the club in no time. "Don't worry about waiting in that big ass line I know the bouncer",Chanyeol said when he seen my reaction to the long ass line. I nodded and connected our hands so I won't get lost. "Hey Chanyeol long time no see you going in",the bouncer asked when we reached him. "Yea I am hopefully I won't run into trouble like how I always do when I'm at this club,"Chanyeol said with a smirk. The bouncer chuckled and nodded. He then unclipped the red velvet rope. I thanked him and walked with Chanyeol. The music was really loud and all you could smell was alcoholic drinks. People were grinding on each other  and even making out all over the place too. "Let's go get a drink before we do anything else",Chanyeol said in my ear. I looked up at him and nodded. As Chanyeol lead the way to the bar I couldn't help but to feel like someone was watching us as we walked. Reaching the bar I shook off the thought of someone watching us and sat down. "What do you want to drink",Chanyeol asked in my ear again. "I could go for a glass of vodka with a lemon",I said. Chanyeol nodded and order for his drink and mines. When I was about to reach my purse for money Chanyeol stopped me. "Drinks are on me because you are like a little sister to me",Chanyeol said in my ear. I nodded and started to move to the music a little. "Here is your drinks oh and there is this extra one that someone bought the lady",the bartender said giving us our drinks and sliding the extra drink for me. I looked at the free drink and looked at Chanyeol. He was looking around to see who could have bought me the drink. "Are you not going to drink the drink I got you",I heard a males voice say. I turned to see a good looking man with black hair and a white button up.
The tie hanging loosely from his shirt collar was kind of attractive. "Luhan she is not drinking the drink you got her because she has a boyfriend and she don't take drinks from back stabbers", Chanyeol said with a glare. Luhan chuckled and looked at me. "Don't listen to him he is just mad because I took his precious little brother from him",luhan said with a smile. I looked at luhan with an eyebrow raised. "Chanyeol you have a little brother",I asked not taking my eyes away from luhan. "He is my adopted brother and luhan here took him away from me and made him a very bad person",Chanyeol said pulling me closer to him when luhan got closer. "Oh come on Chanyeol you act like your not in a gang yourself",luhan said with a roll of his eyes. "Yea but I don't kill people like how your gang does",Chanyeol said with a growl. "Anyway I'm not here to talk about your brother I'm here because we need to talk",luhan said with a sigh. "What do you need to talk to me about",Chanyeol said. "Well if you following me to my hotel I can tell you because I don't want anyone hearing our conversation here",luhan said. I looked at chanyeol. I can tell he was thinking about what he wanted to do. "We will go as long as you don't try something funny",Chanyeol said with a very serious tone. I looked at him like he was crazy. He wants us to follow luhan. He said himself that luhan is someone you can't trust because he is back stabber. "I won't plus this beauty doesn't need to see the scary side of you because she won't definitely won't be hanging out with you when she see that",luhan said with a smirk. I saw Chanyeol tighten his jaw. Is he hiding something from me. What did he do that he doesn't want me to find out about. "Shut the fuck up and let's just go before I change my mind",Chanyeol said. Luhan smirked and nodded. Me and Chanyeol gulped down the last bit of our drinks and we got up. We followed luhan out of the club and to his hotel. Riding in the elevator with two men who hate each other was pretty awkward. With the ding of the elevator we walked out and went all the way down the hall. Luhan unlocked the door and he told us to have a sit. "Ok so now that we are here let's begin this",Chanyeol said pulling me into his side. "Yea well we need one more person here and he is in the room let me just call him",luhan said with a smirk. Chanyeol and me was confused and had one eyebrow raised. "Sehun come out!",luhan yelled a little. Sehun that name sounded very familiar to me. I felt Chanyeol stiffen next to me. When the door open and sehun walked out my jaw dropped.
"Well hello chanyeol and Tatiana",sehun said. I couldn't speak and move. "Now we can start now that sehun is here",luhan said with a smirk. "You both can go to hell",Chanyeol said. I just looked at him. I then turned back to luhan and the person I never thought I would see again.

my neighbor is a badass and i love himWhere stories live. Discover now