Chapter 29

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Waking up in Chanyeol arms was way different compared to Wonho's arm. Chanyeol looked very peaceful in his sleep and I didn't want to wake him up. So I quietly got up and walked to the bathroom. By the time I was done brushing my teeth I decided i should get dressed and make breakfast. I walked into my closet to see new cloths in it. I was shocked at first and even jumped when I felt arms wrap around my waist. "Wonho told me to get you some more cloths last night so I went out in the middle of the night for those", Chanyeol said resting his head on my shoulder. I leaned my head on his shoulder and looked at the cloths that are now mines. I had to admit Chanyeol had great taste in cloths and I'm proud of that. "Get dressed because Wonho said you have to get stuff from your mom house and he wants me to take you",Chanyeol said. I nodded and tapped his head so he can remove himself from me. Chanyeol chuckled and went into the bathroom. I picked out a a tight black short dress. I put on some red heels and let my hair out. I curled my ends and put makeup on. I took a quick picture and sent it to Wonho. "Wow my best friend looks good",Chanyeol said. I smiled and thanked him. Chanyeol then pulled me into a tight hug. I was shocked at first but then hugged him back. "I miss you so much like you can't even tell how bad I missed you",Chanyeol said in my neck. "I missed you too my big fluffy giant",I said taking in the very familiar cologne he always wears. "Come on I will help you cook for all the boys in this house",Chanyeol said. I nodded and we let go. Hand and hand me and Chanyeol walked into the kitchen to see a sleeping minhyuk and I.m and jooheon messing with him. "I wouldn't do that guys leave him alone",I said. I.m and jooheon looked at me and gasped. "Damn where you going like that",I.m said. "I'm going to my mom house and back Why",I said. "Because you look like you going on date or something",jooheon said. Chanyeol started laughing. "Shut up Chanyeol and I just wanted to look cute today that's all",I said with a shrug. "You always look cute", Wonho said coming in from the front door. I ran to him and hugged him. "Thank you baby",I said giving him a peck. "How did it go",Chanyeol asked. "It was great everything was nice and calm",shownu said giving me a hug. "That's good now get some rest I can tell you guys are tired",I said. They both nodded and left to their rooms. "Should I cook or should you",Chanyeol said. "You said you was going to help me you big goof ball",I said. "I am going to help relax but I wanted to know you wanted to cook what I cook or cook what you cook", Chanyeol asked. "Why don't y'all cook both y'all foods", Jinhawn said walking in. "We have different taste so that's why we can't do both",I said. "I want to try Chanyeols food so Chanyeol you cook",jooheon said. I stuck my tongue out at Chanyeol and sat down. "Anyway is shownu and Wonho back", Jinhawn asked. "Yea they are they just came like a minute ago",I said. Jinhawn nodded and we waited for Chanyeol to finish the food. When everyone had ate I went to bring some food to Wonho. When I walked into our room he had just came out the shower because he was shirtless. I bite my lip and placed the food tray down on the bed. Wonho looked at me and smirked. He know what I was doing. I could tell he was dry already and the only thing that was wet was his hair. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. "You hungry",I asked. He shook his head no and pulled me closer to his buff body. "You sure",I asked. He nodded and smiled. "When are you going to your mom house to get cloths",he asked looking at me. "Probably now you still want Chanyeol to come with me right",I said leaving on peck on his collarbone. "Yea now go so we can spend the rest of the day together with the boys",he said. With a sigh I let go off him and walked out the room. I headed downstairs and walked to Chanyeol who was talking to jooheon. "Let's go yoda",I said. Chanyeol rolled his eyes and we walked out the house. Walking right next door to my house I took my key out and opened the door. "MOTHER IM HOME",I yelled. "I'm in the kitchen",I heard my mom said. I grabbed chanyeols hand and walked into the kitchen to see the person I wanted to see since I was like 5. "Hey little sister",my big brother seongyoun said. I was shocked to see my big brother with black hair now. He had a tan sweater on and black jeans. His black hair was styled up. He use to have it down covering his face but I guess things change. "Seongyoun what are you doing here",I said hugging him. "I came to visit you and I found out you wasn't here",he said. I smiled even more. "Are you staying for good this time",I asked. "Yea I am I can't stand being away from you anymore",he said. I pulled away from my brother and looked at my mom. "That means double trouble", my mom said with her hand on head. I chuckled and nodded. "Well I'm actually staying at a friends house and I just came for cloths but you can come stay with me and that friend if you want",I said. My older brother nodded and we said bye to our mom. Chanyeol and seongyoun were catching up when we walked into Wonho house. "Who the fuck is that",Wonho asked when he saw my older brother. Seongyoun pulled me into his side. "Why are you here and why are you touching my girlfriend",Wonho said with gritted teeth. "Wonho that's her older brother seoungyoun",Chanyeol said. Wonho had a shocked face and seoungyoun had a smirk.

my neighbor is a badass and i love himOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz