Partners In Crime

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((Final chapter... how sad. Anyway, yes this is the end, but there will be some author's notes in a separate chapter, so prepare for that :) Anyway, enjoy ))

"Son of a bitch..."

Jack mutters under his breath as he struggles against the man who pinned him, forcing himself to ignore the pain that stung his shoulder. His sweatshirt clinging to the wound.


A voice says behind the two, making PJ hesitate for a second, and Jack to struggle to turn his head, the voice familiar. PJ releases the Irish man, partially expecting him to make a run for it, but Jack didn't, his blue eyes scanning the black haired man who glared at the Brit.

Gun in hand, the barrel aimed directly at PJ.

"Fischbach.... Nice of you to join us..."

The British man growls simply, annoyance lacing his voice. Mark looks at him, his face neutral and uncaring. His finger squeezing the trigger ever so slightly.

"Get away from him..."

Mark rumbles softly, his brown eyes glaring daggers at the cop. PJ does as the man says and moves slowly off to the side, leaving Jack to watch the scene, gripping his wounded shoulder tightly, his breathing quick and uneven as loss of blood begins to catch up with him.

"Come on Mark, you aren't going to shoot me."

PJ responds, hesitantly taking a step forward, but stopping as the black haired man presses the trigger a tad more. Looking as though he didn't want to shoot, but planned too if necessary.

"Stay back..."

The black haired man growls softly, his voice warning. PJ says nothing at first, daring to take another step forward.

"Mark, you're a good guy, I know you are... So why are you wasting your life helping some criminal..."

PJ continues speaking, Mark squeezing the trigger a bit more, but his brown eyes showing that his thoughts raced. Perhaps considering the idea. Jack stood off to the side, saying nothing as he watched the scene play out, his blue eyes moving between the two.

"Listen, how about I cut you a deal?"

PJ suggests, making Mark's finger loosen on the trigger slightly.

"A deal...?"

Mark asks softly, his voice losing any neutrality, every emotion he felt at the moment clear in his deep voice. PJ nods and takes yet another step forward, clearly realizing he had an opportunity.

"I can get you out... get your old life back... Sean will go to jail and you'll walk free."

PJ bargains, his smile growing when Mark relaxes slightly, actually seeming to consider the idea.

"You don't have to be a criminal, I know you don't like this life... You miss being the good guy, you miss helping people... It was Sean that ruined it for you."

PJ continues, taking an additional step forward as he does. Mark says nothing in return, though the gun lowers slightly as his brown eyes move over to the Irish man who stood in the corner, clutching his shoulder, and his hurt blue eyes boring into Mark, forcing him to look away, and instead to the green eyes of the British officer who was now merely a foot away from him.

"You can be the good guy again Mark... All you have to do is let me take Sean in... it's that simple."

PJ finishes with a simple shrug. Mark's brown eyes show how torn he is. It was true he missed his old life, he missed being seen as the good guy, and PJ wasn't wrong, Jack was the one who pulled him away from that life. What if he went back, he could be good again, he wouldn't have to worry. Not anymore.

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