Chapter 20

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Unser showed up at Jax's before his shift, Gemma and Clay had told him to stop by for a family barbeque for Piney's niece Drea who was back in town. Unser remembered her, she and Jax were quite the teenage romance, he also remembered his brothers displeasure of that.

Hale had a unrequited secret crush on the younger than him girl, who was very involved with Jax Teller. Hale had said he didn't know what a straight A student was doing with the next leader of the club. Based on this party being at Jax's he wasn't sure what was going on with them, so he didn't tell Hale that his crush was back in town or that she was at Jax's place. He didn't know anything about their break up, just that she left one day and nobody brought her up to Jax unless you wanted a bullet in you.

Unser remembered her being a sweet girl with a back bone like that of Opie or any other SAMCRO member. He spit out his coffee when Gemma told him she had become a cop. Hale was going to love that, he thought to himself. It made no sense that a cop would be back together with Jax or SAMCRO.

"Hello, Andrea." Unser said using her full name as he known her, as he came to see her in the backyard. She was sitting and laughing with their Prospect while Jax drank beers with the other guys at far end of the same table. Unser thought they didn't look back together.

"Chief Unser, so nice to see you. Thanks for coming." She said hugging him.

"Nice to see you too, you look great. Heard you're a cop." He said as she laughed.

"Yes, Toronto PD Rookie. I'm on leave right now, came to spend some time."

"That's great, good for you. We could always use the help on Charmings force." He told her seriously, but not expecting her to leave the big city for this corrupt town.

"I'll think about that." She told him, surprising Unser.

"Really? You thinking about staying here more long term?" He questioned her.

Andy looked up and over at Jax, in his own world with his club all drinking and smoking. Teasing each other and eating wings.

"Yes, I am. It's home you know?" She shrugged.

"Well, as long as I'm Chief you got a spot on my force. Do they all know you're a cop?" Unser asked confused at to how this would work with her so close to the club.

"Oh of course. I understand how that could be a problem with the PD."

"You'd be a cop like me?" Unser said basically asking if she'd be a cop who worked along with SAMCRO.

"Yes, I'd have to be." Andy told him honestly. "I wouldn't do anything that could hurt my family."

Unser nodded, knowing she was honest and he was in no position to throw stones on a cop helping out SAMCRO. He thought about it, about him retiring. This could work perfectly in his favor. SAMCRO needed someone on their side on the force. If she joined the force, she could take Unser's position in doing that. As long as Hale didn't get rid of her, but if he still had his crush he was sure Hale wouldn't do that. However, also if he did still have his crush, Jax may kill him.

"Well, like I said. You've got a job with me, if you need one." Unser told her before he bid his goodbyes because he had to get back to the station.

Andy was having the time of her life, enjoying herself like she hasn't had in a long long time.

"Hey Drea, wanna explain to me how you decided to be a cop? Tig asked the million dollar question as they all sat down to eat dinner, scattered around the back yard. Andy was sitting next to Jax with Clay and Gemma next to them.

Andy laughed looking at Jax who wanted to hear the story himself.

"Well, this one had said he didn't want me around guns everyday." She said nodding to Jax and smirking. Jax laughed took a drink of his beer knowing he was exactly right. "So I found myself a job where I'd have to carry one around, everyday." She said picking up her beer and saluting it towards Jax, as they all laughed.

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