Chapter 44

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Andy quickly followed Jax into the interrogation room. His slamming the door open startled both Tracy and Sam who were not expecting to see Jax enter the room or Andy on his heels.

"Detectives. What brings you to our town?" Jax said to them glaring while Tracy and Sam both stood there shocked looking from Andy to Jax and back again.

"Friendly visit to see our former co-worker." Tracy muttered out, intimidated by Jax or flustered and scared. Andy wasn't sure which, it wasn't like Tracy to be so visibly either scared or uneasy with a criminal.

"You don't need to answer to him, Nash." Sam turned and said to her. As Jax just smirked at them and shrugged.

"Did you bring your girlfriend with you? You know, the one who likes to arrest people and puts them in cells for no reason." Jax asked glaring at Sam.

Sam glanced over at Andy at Jax's mention of Marlo, Jax saw the look which made him get more angry than he already was. Andy saw as well, stepping closer to Jax and putting her hand on his back a movement that both Sam and Tracy noticed in horror.

"Your girl know you still have a thing for your ex?" Jax asked as Sam's eyes narrowed looking Jax and Andy standing side by side like a team.

"Ok, you guys I think you are done here. We've caught up and all that." Andy said staring at Tracy to agree with her.

"Yeah." Tracy started to say before Sam interrupted her.

"McNally's my partner. I care about who she gets involved with." He told Jax.

"Nah, she ain't your partner. She ain't nothing to you but someone who wants nothing to do with you anymore. You dumped her, you got the other cop chick now. So I'm going to say this once, get out of my town and away from my family. This isn't your city, things are handled much differently here." He threatened.

Andy could feel how tense and riled up he was, but the old lady part of her knew she had to get all this out and for her to not stop him.

"Family?" Tracy whispered confused and looking at Andy.

"Or else? Is that a threat against a police detective? You're threatened by me?" Sam asked as Andy closed her eyes knowing that was the worst thing to say and that Jax was going to react.

Jax smirked and his whole face lit up in a menacing smile. Which scared Tracy and Sam both whom took a step back and looked at Jax's cuts, it was clearly visibly to Sam that Jax was armed. Making him wonder why the police would allow this man to come in here and act like he's in charge and even face visiting detectives while armed. What is going on in this town, Sam wondered.

"It's a threat" Jax admitted with his smile, "and since I'm sure you've read that file over there" glancing at the file on the table they tried to sway Andy with. "you know I mean my threats and no I'm not threatened by you, no need to be." Jax smirked before turning to look at Andy, "I'll see you at home." He told her, placing his arm around her waist and kissing her on her forehead, giving her a look that meant that he was done here.

Andy nodded as she watched as he swaggered cockily out of the room and slammed the door behind him.

"You see that? That's what you're in so deep with? Sam yelled pointing at the closed door.

"Don't yell at me!" She yelled back not letting this go on anymore. Sam and Tracy both shocked at Andy's reaction.

"You heard him. You need to go. This isn't your business, you're not my family and you are not even my co-workers anymore. Blackstone left and sealed my files for a reason." Andy said, fed up with all this.

She just wanted to move here in peace and people kept showing up that was disturbing her peace. She didn't want to leave the house today and she ended up dealing with this.

"You want us to leave you here with a guy who just threatened to kill us and basically said everything in that file that's he never put in jail for is true? Are you living with him?" Tracy asked in shock thinking back to Jax's departing words to Andy which she figured was calculated as a jab to Sam.

Andy sighed, they were going in circles and she wasn't sure how many more times she could go around with this.

"Just go home, before you get hurt. Work on your cases in your own division. Leave me and Charming alone. My father can reach me if it's necessary. " Andy said before she opened the door herself and closed it behind he going back to Unsers office.

"Make sure they go to the airport, please." Andy pleaded to Unser as she grabbed the baby bag and picked up Abel's carrier.

"Will do, tell Jax I'll get back to him on the info he wanted and. I'll let you know when they are gone." Unser said nodding towards interrogation.

"Sure. Thanks Unser." Andy said as she walked out of the station and towards her car. Hoping like hell that Sam and Tracy left because this was too stressful.

Andy went back home with the intention of restarting her day where she left it. She put back on her shorts and Samcro t-shirt, she pulled her batter out of the fridge and went back to baking. She figured Jax was off shooting something or unleashing his anger somewhere and he'd show up home at some point.

Lots of food later, Andy had worked out her aggression, she sat with Abel in the kitchen with a glass of wine wondering if she should eat without Jax when she heard the roar of his bike pull up in front of the house.

"Your friends go?" He said sarcastically as he kissed her on the cheek before opening the fridge and grabbing the carton of milk taking a swig.

"Well Unser said he'd call me when they left for the airport and there's been no phone call." She shrugged, "so I'll take that as a no." She sighed. "Oh and Unser said he'd get back to you on the info you wanted." She remembered as Jax nodded.

"How do you want to handle this Drea? Because ignoring them doesn't seem to be working." He said shoving the milk back into the fridge.

"You cannot kill them." She said adamantly, "that's all I know. For what ever reasons Blackstone sealed my file from them and if they go missing? The entire Toronto PD, the Canadian ATF, government officials will all end up here. Sam's high up on the guns and gangs chain. You cannot kill or hurt them." She said sighing.

"She's my friend, she's been through a lot, she has a son. I think she sees she needs to go and this is losing battle." She added as Jax nodded and picked Abel out of his pack and play to play with him

"Alright, we do this your way." He told her.


"Yeah. This falls on anyone's head it'll be yours, you get to decide what we do. I said what I had to." He smirked thinking back to his threatening of Sam.

"Yeah you did." Andy replied rolling her eyes.

"I was pretty restraint, didn't point out you're my old lady, my wife and he ain't never getting you back." He told her cockily as she laughed.

"Restraint? Yeah that's your middle name." She smirked thinking it could have been a lot worse had he pulled out a weapon, as she got up to grab them their dinner as he sat at the table and played with Abel.

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