Chapter 29

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It was finally Wednesday night. the night of her farewell party.

Andy was both happy and dreading it. Being in a room full of people who just wanted to change her mind and tell her not to go did not sound like fun. However she was so happy to say bye to the people who has been in her life for so long and it was getting closer to Friday when she could go home to Abel and Jax.

He was still dealing with the drive by and now he was worrying about her dealing with her father tonight along with all her other "admirers" he called it. She could tell he was trying not to be too angry jealous, but it was Jax. He didn't want her around any ex-es without him near.

Yesterday, she had finished packing and doing well... everything. Because she wanted her last days to be stress free as possible.

The donation truck came and collected everything she was donating. The shipping company came and picked up all the boxes that she was sending to California. Leaving behind just the bags they were taking on the plane and all the things Andy was leaving in the apartment for the next owners.

The apartment was going to be sold and it was down to two couples were negotiating back and forth. Andy hoped she'd be able to sign off on one of them by today or tomorrow.

Today, she had such a fun day with Juice and Halfsack, she took them to the theme park. Going on all the roller coasters, eating junk food and playing games. They of course won a lot of prizes at the shooting ones. Andy kept one for Abel and gave the rest away to little kids in the park. The guys had the greatest time.

She originally had planned to spend tomorrow with her father, but that was off the table now. So she would find somewhere else for her and the guys to go tomorrow before they flew back Friday.

She put on a short cocktail dress she pulled out from one of the suitcases and was ready to go. She walked outside to the living room to see Juice in his Jays baseball hat and nicely dressed along with Halfsack both not looking like normal SONS members but regular average people going out to a bar.

Andy looked at them in confusion. Not expecting them to be dressed for a night out or to be going with her to room full of cops, it was too risky.

"Jax gave us orders, we don't let you leave our sight." Juice informed her.

"I'm going to be in a room full of cops, my dad, my friends, my chief. I'll be perfectly safe. You 2 on the other hand if anyone recognizes you?" Andy said worriedly. If Sam or anyone from Guns and Gangs saw them, they could all be screwed.

"We will sit in the back, blend in. Nobody will see our ink or know it's us." Juice informed her as she still did not think this was a good idea.

"Jax will kill us if we don't go with you so you have no choice and we thought of standing guard outside the bar but figured that would be more suspicious than just being guys hanging drinking beer inside." Halfsack told her as she thought about it and thought his was right. The 2 of them standing around outside watching the place would be a lot more suspect than them inside.

Andy sighed looking at them, there was no point even trying to reason with them. Especially since they were given orders from Jax.

What Jax says goes.

They will do as they were told. Andy nodded her head relenting to trying to fight them on this.

She grabbed her cell and quickly dialed Jax's number.

"Don't fight me on this." He told her seriously, knowing it was her and what she was calling about.

"If anyone notices them, we're screwed. You get that right? Do we have a plan if that happens?" She asked him seriously.

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