Chapter 5

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Gaston Roux

"McHoty Pants". The thought kept circling in my head. Where do people come up with these words?

I stared at the girl in front of me. In a better situation, I was sure the girl would be extremely beautiful. She had a clear, creamy complexion, and beautiful grey eyes. She also had blood on her neck, face and knuckles. Her clothes were ripped. I was still having a hard time believing this little girl managed to take out two grown thugs.

Everything about the situation was odd. The girl was odd. Beautiful but just a little odd. It was a novel experience, not having a girl fall at my feet. Women were always hitting on me. Married, single, in a relationship it didn't matter. They smiled, batted their eyes and were always trying to touch me. Woman got into fights over him all the time. The other guys in the force thought it was funny how the female population reacted to me. Claudia was an awesome example, as the girl in front of me said- her shirt was several sizes to small. 

I sat my fine ass in front of her.  I was disappointed by the fact that she didn't even smile at me.   She definitely wasn't trying to win me over.  She even seemed resign to being booked. It was an idle threat. The three males that were with her all had criminal records while she had none.  I was inclined believe that she was the victim in this matter.  One of the men had described her  as an Amazonian Wonder Woman on steroids. The other insisted she was fucking Cat Woman and this was an avenge hit because of his misdeeds.  When he saw how unimpressed I was, he started insisting that Cat Woman was real.  The third was clearly the most intelligent.  He only said if aliens were real she was Super Girl.  I think the boys took their comics a little to seriously. I mean Wonder Woman, Cat Woman, Super Girl, please the girl looked like Audrey Hepburn from Breakfast at Tiffanys

The girl kept her eyes on the table refusing to look at me so I said the first thing that popped into my head, "So, I'm not sexy enough for you?"

Her wide grey eyes snapped up to my face. Her eyes were full of confusion.  I saw her bite her lip.  God that was sexy. I could imagine those lips wrapped around another part of me.  I felt  the blood rushing through my veins. 

She glance around the suspiciously.  I looked around but did not see anything out of place. 

"Where are the cameras hidden?"  Her sultry voice made it sound like an invitation to play seven minutes in heaven.

"Cameras?"  I croaked. I sounded like a frog.  We had cameras in our interrogation rooms.  They were strategically hidden.  Why was she asking about this?

"We're going to be on Cops aren't we? " She said.

"Cops?"  I repeated stupidly.

"I heard they were filming in Miami!   This is so cool!  I am going to be on tv.  Do I get paid?" She asked excitedly.

I blinked at her stupidly. It was becoming a common occurrence, one I didn't like.   I took my job seriously.  I kept in shape, ate a raw egg or 2,  I had the highest test scores and out perform everyone during any training session. I took pride in the fact that I was the best in my department and I made sure that I stayed at the top.  Yet, this girl had me foundering in uncharted water.  "Cops?"

I guess the girl took my hesitation  as a request for more information.

" I read in TMZ that they were filming the new season in Miami and Broward County.  I wasn't suppose to say something. Oh  gosh, does this mean I won't be on tv?"

"TMZ? TV?" Shit, was this conversation being recorded? I prayed it wasn't because I was never going to live this down. It was like this girl spoke a language I didn't know and I was multilingual.

She cocked her head to the side and looked at me strangely. "Hmm?"

"What is that suppose to mean?" I asked suspiciously.

"Nothing, I bet you only read muscle, car and gun magazines." She said somewhat smugly. As if she had me figured out and I was exactly what she expected.

"Gun magazines?"

"2 out of 3, not to bad. I only said the Gun magazine because you have one.  TMZ talks about all the celebrities and stuff. Pick up People, US or any other celebrity magazine and you will see that they mention TMZ.   Anyway, I work at Walmart ". She looked briefly at her vest before continuing " I work the late shift.  I get bored sometimes and read the magazines.  Please don't tell my boss. He's an asshole. Anyway this why I know that COPS is filming in the area.  So can they edit the conversation?  I can be super bad and you can  throw me in jail?  Just make sure there's air conditioner in my cell and a blanket."

"You want to go to jail?" I asked stupidly. Why would someone want to go to jail?

"They serve hot meals there right? Oh and I get access to medical care. I wouldn't have to take a female lover,will I? You know what? It still might be worth it? So when are you going to show me to my cell? I'm really tired." She ended her tirade on a big yawn.

"Before I lock you up and throw away the key, I need a statement."  That was a little brutal.  I normally had more fitness but this girl had reduce me to a pile of ash. 

"Statement?  You mean like a Walmart sucks statement?  A I didn't eat breakfast statement?  I am losing my beauty sleep statement? ..."

"No, more like I was attack bah, bah, bah statement?" I interrupted.

She raised her eyebrows and smirked at me. It was a little scary. He glanced at the paper he came in with.
Her name was still the same: Belle de Fluer. For one weird  minute he thought he had the wrong person. Beautiful Flower the name did not fit her. She might be beautiful but she was no flower. Hell, he was being to think she was a little crazy. I leaned back in my chair and waited for her to say something. I set there growing impatience but still the girl before me said nothing.

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