This Is Too Frustrating...

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Okay, this is way too fucking frustrating having to write all these fucking chapters for my fics on my tablet.

I need to try and get that darn laptop working again, cause I just can't manage to write two chapters a day while using my tablet, let alone one chapter... Plus, by using my tablet, my chapters aren't as good as I'd like them to be.

This fucking stupid laptop better start working again soon, and stop saying "no bootable device available" or something along those lines. Seriously, the last time it started doing that, I managed to somehow get it working back to normal - minus the fact that even so much as bumping the charger cord out of it, the fucking piece of shit will just turn itself off.

Why do I have to be left with the shitty laptop, while my youngest sister - who's only 9, turning 10 in May - gets one that actually works like it's supposed to - and is a newer type of laptop than the one in my room - and I can't exactly just borrow hers while she's at school, as she picks up such a big fuss if someone so much as touches it. She won't even let anyone borrow it for like, five minutes.

PhanTrash_Kiwi I might need to use your laptop for a bit tomorrow if mine doesn't start working. Message me what your password to get into your laptop is, you potato.

~ Candy is frustrated, and needs to write these chapters

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