Ugh, I Need To Sort This Out...

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Okay... I need to sort this all out, I'm falling behind on this months writing schedule, because I just cannot get any pre-written chapters done.... At least my laptop is still working, making it a hell of a lot easier to keep up with this writing schedule as much as I already have.

Honestly, why am I so easily distracted when it comes to writing?? Then when I'm actually in the mood to start writing, it's too late during the night and I end up nearly falling asleep.

Ugh... I don't think I can do posting more than one or two fics up at a time anymore...

Maybe next month I should try just updating everything once a week instead of twice a week like I've been trying to...

Alright, but what I'm going to try and do, is finish both Daisy Chains and Ivypool's Heart by the end of next month. I should hopefully be able to do that. They've both got around the same amount of chapters left anyway, so that should hopefully be achievable.

Not sure what exactly is happening with Don't Cry, so I'm not going to worry about that one at the moment.

Then Rough and Kissing In Cars... Those I'm going to try and have finished by mid-October. Maybe. But I'm still want to write these two Halloween themed fics... Hmm...

Though, I actually don't know how long Kissing In Cars will be... I'm thinking around 20 or 30 chapters, but idrk (I'm kinda making that fic up as I go along tbh)... While Rough, I'm thinking will be around 30-40 chapters.

But guys, once these fics are all completed, and I've finished these two Halloween themed fics, I'm taking a break from Wattpad for a bit. Just to get some future fics all pre-written before I start posting them. That should hopefully only take a month or two... Maybe...

~ Candy needs to sort shit out...

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