Hmm... Is It Even Worth It?

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So, my sister and I are going to this Armageddon Expo thing in May, it's like Comic Con, but smaller I guess, and honestly? I don't even know who any of the guests that are going to it are, and my sis only really knows who one of the guests are that is going.

So, my question is... Is it actually worth going, when I don't even know any of the celebrity guests that are going??

I mean, ticket are only $10, but is it worth going, when I don't know who any of the guests are?

Oh, fucking hell, I just had a look who's going to the Wellington one, and two people from Supernatural will be going there... One of them being Mark Sheppard... Fuck. Could've decided to go to the one in Tauranga instead, aye, Mark? Not the one in Wellington...

Damn, I'd rather go to the Wellington one instead of the one in Tauranga...

I don't know if it's worth going when I don't know any of the guests...

Then again, I think one of the guests is like, an artist for some of the Marvel comics, but still...

If I do go, I do plan on cosplaying as Bucky Barnes a.k.a. The Winter Soldier, though.

~ Candy doesn't know what to do...

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