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The world resides in a fine mingling of relationships of all kinds. Some by blood, and some simply untied.

As time passes, only the true emotions justify, their real credibility.


Fighting against the agitation and the pricking cold, she flipped her pillow with one hand, underneath her head, and tried seeking for a position, which would give her some comfort in sleep, although sleep was something far away from her right now.

She sighed with frustration, knowing that nothing appeared to be worthwhile.

She groaned, as she clutched the duvet near her face, bringing her knees closer to her chest.


.. All this while she had been struggling to sleep.

She had been so tired that she felt she would sleep like there's no tomorrow, but when did she prove to be right about anything?

She flipped to the other side on her bed, again attempting to drift off, but once again her efforts were futile.

What was happening to her?

Yet another sleepless night?'

Her eyes didn't urge to open at all, as tiredness took over her body completely after the long day, but it was her mind and heart that weren't coming to any negotiation with her physical being.

As she struggled more, she heard the shrill sound of the wind chimes hanging on her window, implicating about the extremely cold winds outside, and in a pico second, Khushi's eyes opened wide.

There was something about the sound of wind chimes that soothed her heart, but always bothered her as well.

It was a very weird kind of paradox, the one she had no answer to.

Like many other things, this zone was yet another quagmire for her.


How familiar was everything to her?


The same room.

The same mauve color of the walls.

The book shelf and the music DVDs.

The pictures hanging on the wall.


Yet, some part of her was still a stranger to all of this.

Some part of her screamed, that this was not where she belonged..

Some part of her, wanted..

Wanted to unfurl the truth, to know what was hidden underneath the peaceful shadows.


But what was the truth?'

..Again, her mind had no answer.


She lay straight on her back, her eyes fixed on the windows of her room, which dwindled slightly due to the impact of the extremely powerful winds.

The rods of the wind chimes danced against each other, as the winds only grew stronger with each passing second.

The rhapsody of the melody it created was a stark contrast to the turbulence that was residing in her mind presently.

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