CHAPTER 36: Haven

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Some believe in life after death, some don't, but when the essence of a person is buried deep down, all notions fail and what remains is only memories.


How hard the mind tries to entice certain thoughts, when emotions die within you, there's no way for a second go.

So hard you try to stand up after that great fall, but every time, every effort you make, ends up to be futile when a machete pierces you again and again.

The magma filled with rage and violence boils inside your blood, but your own senses refuse to help you overcome it as you struggle with that uncanny feeling within yourself.

The equations continue to squiggle in you, not giving any sensible option, no proper ending, no chance to escape.

The wailing doesn't stop, as the despair goes on haunting you.

Even when you think you got a solution, a new ray, a hope, everything falters and fails as it turns out to be spurious the very next moment.


Absorbed by the traces of misery that had painted its essence all over her, Khushi stirred in her sleep, her body all limp as the episode of the previous day flashed in front of her eyes, yet again.

One minute, she had her alive, talking in front of her, irritating her with her jokes and then..

She was dead.

'And I couldn't do anything.'

'Nothing at all, to prevent it from happening.'

'How could I remain oblivious when within a fraction of second she ended up dead?'

Khushi was letting her thoughts torment her yet again.

If Alexandra's powers had so much potential to make her distracted by her actions, perplexed by the outcome, then how could she even think of attaining victory while fighting them all?

The Avizhas?

It was so foolish of her to even have a thought about defeating them, she thought.

Was it that simple?

Was life really such a joke?

Was destiny really so cruel?

Her breathing constricted as she pulled the blanket closer to her chest, her tears unstoppable as she remembered the brief time span that she had known Judith, yet how definitely close they had become.

Thinking of the ill fated ending captured her in a fit of uncertainty.

Only if she knew it was to end this way.

It appeared as if she was living Wilfred Owen's "Futility" in front of her own eyes.

The only difference was, in the poem the war was among the countrymen for land, and here it was purely for a mere piece of ornament which determined the power of their kind and ultimately threatened their immortality as Khushi possessed Meredith's countenance.

So much turbulence existed in her life, that Khushi had almost forgotten all about her normal life.

The fact that she was just a 18 year old, the fact that she was a college going girl, a student of English literature, who had normal dreams, wishes. But here she was, ensnared in a world that majority in this world believed to be non-existent, but she knew it was otherwise, didn't she?

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