Chapter 21

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Two grueling days had passed.
Finally, the moment had arrived when they noticed Tortuga's inlet on the horizon.

She gripped the railing and watched with sadness as the island slowly became noticeable. The port in the distance was riddled with ships bobbing in the bay near it. Navel ships. The familiarity quickened her heart that one of those could be in her father's command.

She turned to look up at the helm where he stirred the ship. His gaze, steady and unwavering looked forward. He had avoided her these last two days and it hurt her deeply.

Deep down, she understood why. She just did not understand why she could not do the same. His eyes then caught hers. Similar in emotions, they held each other's gaze. Sadness, defeat, need, affection.....Desire.

She looked away as Bellamy and Quinn approached her. 

"Lass, Cap'n will first transport Cuthburt with his men and shortly return for you. It will be sometime that passes." Bellamy held her gaze. 

He was no fool to that look. But his lips remained shut. "Cook made a meal for ye in the meantime. Would you care to join this poor old fool one last time?" he gave her a bashful smile that brightened her own.

She stepped away with them one on each side of her. She could feel Justin's warm gaze on her. But refused to look up. She would not be able to handle it.

They all sat in silence and ate. Shortly after Perkins mentioned Justin, Cuthburt, and his men in the boats were lowered and heading to the island, the mood in the air felt sad. They looked up often at her sullen look.

Not able to eat another bite, she excused herself and returned to the upper deck. By then he was off in the distance. She walked over to the unmanned spyglass near a barrel, and looked out through it.

She loved the ones her father had laying around. Instinct had her pointing the spyglass towards him. And she watched as two of his men rowed him ashore. Off at the distance she looked at the man standing on a parapet watching Justin come closer.

She swallowed. Her heart dropped to her stomach at the familiar face. She lowered the spyglass. Horrible memories flashed before her. She could feel the blood drain from her face with those eyes that watched Justin come closer. A sense of foreboding washed over her as cold as a ruff winter surf. She pulled up the spyglass once more and looked around and caught men on standby at a distance. Waiting. She gasped.

"An ambush," she gripped the barrel to steady her trembling legs.

She tossed the spyglass and took off in a dash below. In the corridor she ran headlong into strong arms and a broad chest that shot out to steady her. She looked up at the large pirate that barely speaks.
"It's an ambush, big John. There are men in waiting for Justin to get ashore," she panicked.

He frowned and pulled her along towards the men near the rare cellar.
She trembled with tears explaining to them what he was facing. "You have to do something," she whispered.

They exchanged glances and began reaching for their weapons. She watched as one by one they stood with murderous glares on their faces. As she turned to follow them, abruptly Bellamy stopped her.

"You stay in the Capn's cabin and arm yourself."
She shook her head. Frantically, she searched for what to say.
"All of you can not go. You will all be captured. What good will that do?"

They stopped. They looked at one another. " I have a plan," she whispered. Expectant gazes held hers.

They turned skeptical.

"If'n yer plan gets him off that island whole lass, we are all ears," one spoke from the back.

She nervously began to speak.

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